Nanolube Test

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
A while back, a Nanolube thread had a lot of postings, with commentary from the boss of the company. He sent me a small vial of it for a test.

Okay. I don't claim this is scientific or necessarily a Real Deal. It's subjective; based on feel of the manipulation of a pistol.

I dug out a 1911 which I built up maybe twenty years back and have used a lot. I know what it feels like or should feel like when I do the various monkey-motion stuff you do with a pistol.

It had been lightly oiled, inside and out, when I put it in the safe, some months back. So, take it out, remove magazine, rack slide, dry-fire, rack slide, dry-fire.

First, I put a drop of NanoLube on the rubbing surface of the hammer. It was then easier to rack from a hammer-down condition.

A drop on each side in the rails, and a drop where the disconnect rubs. Again, an improvement in racking the slide.

As near as I can tell at this point, it's definitely slicker than the residual RemOil that I usually have in and on that pistol.

I'll do some shoot''n'clean and do some other comparisons and comment further, in the next week or so. I just wanted to say that it's at least some definitely slick-lubing stuff.


New member
Most any lube feels like an improvement over Remoil. I grease the rails and bearing surfaces. You'll find the best lubes made at your local autoparts store.


New member
You're right. That's not very scientific. Almost any lube applied to a gun that has set for months would probably feel slick.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Yeah, well, could be. But that particular pistol has always been pretty smooth, regardless of brand of oil. And, generally, oils don't dry in relatively short times.

Some years back, my father gave me some WW II bring-backs that had been in a GI ammo can for around 40 years. They weren't totally dry.

One thing for sure: The arthritis in my right shoulder creates a pretty good measuring device when racking a slide. :D