Naming your gun

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New member
Just curious here, but has anyone here named their weapons? I've named my Security Six Mathilde; is this...odd or has anyone else named their handgun(s)?


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I used to call my .45 "Old Loud Mouth".

Life is great if you can survive it!


New member

Did you ever do any writing for gun magazines? I remember reading an article years ago, and I think the author called his .45 ACP "Old Loud Mouth." Seems like he told a story about staying in a hotel room that had a door connecting to the next room. He looked up and some stranger was standing there in the door looking at him. He picked up "Old Loud Mouth" off the nightstand and the guy made a speedy exit. Ring a bell? Just curious.



New member
I call my Sig 229 the "Caddie"
I call my 9mm FS Witness the "Diamond in the Rough"
I had a Glock 30 I called "Fatty"
My Ruger Redhawk is "Sledgehammer"
My friend calls his Witness "Solid Gold" and his Ruger KP95 the "Tractor"


New member
I have named some of mine...

Glock 30 is "Inge"
Romak AKS-74 is "Tatjana"
Glock 19 is "Frida"
Beretta 92 is "Nina"
Taurus 617CH is "Bella"


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Doug B,

No I didn't write the article. But that's where I got the name from years ago. It might have been Skeeter Skelton who wrote that article. I really don't remember who wrote it but I do remember that I thought the name was a fitting one and consequently named my .45 "Old Loud Mouth"!

Life is great if you can survive it!
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