Namibia brings home bronze ... Yeeeha!


New member
... just returned from the Pistol Club, where we celebrated the return of our two shooters from the Commonwealth Games ...

... and, they brought back the Bronze Medal for the Namibian Team ...


... as far as I know there were 17 nations participating in the shooting competitions ... Gold went to England and Silver to India ...

... the stories were interesting and gripping (Friedhelm Sack had to shoot with a borrowed pistol, because the judges had a problem with his) ...

... most important - the beer was plenty and cold :D


... what a nice get-together ...

cheers and

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Where were the matches held? Were all the Commonwealth countries represented?

What's the course of fire?



New member
... many thanks ... I'll pass it on ...

... Bronze, they got for 10 mtr. air pistol ... other disciplines, they participated in, were 25 mtr. standard pistol and 50 mtr. free pistol ... if I'm not mistaken, Friedhelm came 5th in 25 mtr. std.-pistol ...

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Eight days of shooting! Interesting event, to beheld in a country with so many people so mouthy about the evils of guns.

Be a neat thing for the NRA, in conjunction with such as IPSC, IDPA and other groups, to put on an event here, with maybe the "top three" from each of 50 states. Bench rest, skeet, trap, pistol, siloueta...

:), Art


New member
Art, didn't the NRA used to do this state v. state competition?

Art, I know where you live! Your fair city/region was featured in last Thursday's New York Times!


New member
... as hinted before in other forums ... lotta guys over here would be keen for both, a multi-national shootout ;) as well as trading knowledge and experience with some IDPA, IPSC and so on - pro's ...
... beware though, our rifle shooters are REALLY good :D ... I think they grab the .22 before they even start walking ... it's just, that they use their skills for 'game' not for 'games' :) (pun intended) ...
... little combat shooting experience unfortunately on this side of the globe, though ...

thanks again for the wishes ... will pass it on personally ...