Name your ear protection


New member
There has been a lot of discussion on this board lately about ear protection. However, there has been little to none about what each person is actually using and its comfort.

I'm largely a clay shotgunner so I'm not really that cracked up about earmuffs but have used them. Most of the time when I am at the skeet or sporting clays track I use something in ear. Funny when I am at the range with the rifle or handguns a prefer muffs.

Name your ear protection, what application you use it for, its comfort and if you think it works.



New member
Peltor Tactical behind the head type. Good at the range and in the woods as you can crank them up and get a db. gain.

Rant Casey

New member
I just use run of the mill disposable earplugs. Have roughly 1000 pairs so probably not going to stop using them anytime soon. I do double up with some muffs when I shoot my .50 though.


New member
How do you like 'em, comfy? I've never tried on a behind-the-head-set. Or an electronic set for that matter.

Double J

New member
I like the muff but on some guns, like the AR's, they get in the way. Then I put a plug in my ear. I only use one plug at a time, since I'm deaf in my left ear. Figure I can't loose what I don't have any way. Muffs and glasses aren't comfy either.


New member
forte, I think that they're great. It's nice to be able to talk normally when the line is hot or hear a squirrels toenails on the tree bark. Works good for listening to the neighbors down the street when they get into one of their all-to-common fights, now I get the whole story and not just the expletives.:eek:


Staff In Memoriam
Huh? Whadja say? Couldn't hear ya cuz I never wore ear protection much around loud noises...


New member
Peltor Tactical here as well - over the head type. Good for outdoor use. I'd recommend some foam plugs to use with it in indoor ranges, though.


New member
I'm to cheap to buy an expencive pair of muffs so i have to agree about using disposable earplugs,they work and i can still hear while talking.If i'm out hunting i aint talking and i'm more than 100 yards away and in a tree stand.


New member
I work in the safety industry and I was able to grab a few sets of FREE ears (booth demos) at the National Safety Council in Anaheim last month - along with several sets of Remington eye protection.


New member
Peltor ulitmate 10 and the tatical models are my muffs of choice. I also like leight ones too. I have Pro ears and they are great electronic ones, IMO..

They fit well, and are comfortable to wear all afternoon. Fairly cheap too, IIRC the ultimate 10s are about $22 or so..


New member
Peltor Ultimate 10 and Howard Leight Leightning 31.

I'm interested in getting a set of electronic muffs, but all I've seen had pretty low NRRs.


New member
Ear muffs all the way.

I get ear infections real easy and that rules out ear plugs.

I use them shooting and when using a battery powered impact gun at work.

I have to remind myself to carry them with me at work though.

You havent felt pain in the ear until you've fired up an impact gun on a tight bolt you are trying to drive in a threaded hole.


New member
I have a cheap pair of muffs that came with the handgun course I took. But I ended up buying some disposable foam plugs because the muffs would always get in the way when I am aiming a rifle. How do you use muffs with a rifle?


New member
The SHS Waterproof Hunter is a behind the ear electronic hearing protection device that allows you to hear normal range commands and hunting sounds but shuts down gunshot noise. I've been using them since around 2003 and they are the best, especially in wet or hot conditions. You can wear them in the duck blind or while hunting in the forest or jungle; never had them get caught on anything. Good company and nice folks. I suggest you have custom ear molds made locally after you receive the devices.

BTW, I have a binaural high frequency hearing loss and have worn every other type/style of hearing protection. These are the most comfortable and least invasive, like wearing a behind the ear hearing aid.