Name that Member....

I've been visiting this board for a bit over 3 years now. Over this span, I've come to respect my country, my firearms, and fellow gunowners alike even more than ever. Some may think I'm a bit too mushy.

That's OK. I see it as this board and the fellow members here have provided more information that I can shake a stick at and made a few friends along the way. It has treated me well. So, now I have an idea.

As Al Borland and Tim Taylor would say, "Today, we give a board members."

I thought about this for a while and kept giving myself an excuse not to start this thread. I think it's about time I just did....

Name a member here that has REALLY helped you out in a specific situation. I'm not talking about Joe Schmoe sent funds quickly for the gun you had for sale. That kind of stuff is for the Feedback forum.

What member has contributed information that you happened to read that got you out of that rut? What member PMd you some viable information that gave you an edge on defensive training? Stuff like that.

I'll give you an example:

There's a member here by the handle of Trapper L. He hasn't been around in a while, but a couple of years ago he bailed me out. I was in need of help with reloading for my Savage Model 12 in .22-250. He PMd loads and loads of information and tips to maximize accuracy using the given twist rate, etc. We must have PMd back and forth a hundred times on variables and such. He really didn't have to do this for a complete strander on a board, but he was more than willing to help in any way he can.

There was more that I left out, but I'm keeping the private things private...

My salute to you, Trapper....wherever you are.

There's been many more great members here that I've learned from and I hope there won't be a last for a long time to come...

Big Caliber

New member
I've gotten so much help and info from so many members on so many subjects that listing names would be pointless. I want to again thank all the members for their help, insight, and patience. Merry Christmas!


Even though he's an admin (and thus maybe not eligible since he's not a regular "member" per se) I'm a huge fan of JohnKSA's ability to deliver complete and accurate information in a way that totally dispels any building hostilities in a given thread. He's really got a gift, and I'm a huge fan.

I'm also very grateful for Wildalaska's occaisonal honest and unique insights into the gun universe from a dealer's perspective.

There are a number of other members who've positively contributed tremendously to these forums who's names elude me.
I've had some conflicts with a handful of members here, but in general, most everyone is a useful contributor to these boards.


New member
I have a few in mind, but what appreciate most often is the 'tough love' type of replies. They tell me what I need to hear, not what just sounds good or what I'd agree with. I appreciate that some of the folks are still willing to lead and teach. I've learned what I know from my parents, all the teachers I've ever had in school and community leaders, and other parents. Without those who have been before us, I wouldn't know how to make a bologna sandwich.

I'm old enough to know better but I still see life in terms of "when I grow up..." and I'm thankful and oddly enough, crave the guidance that is 'right', like when I was growing up.

That probably sounds goofy but that's me :eek: I still want to know. I still want to learn. I've seen the things I've learned in the past come full circle and it is truly amazing. I want to keep seeing things come full circle. I guess in a way its confirmation that I'm on the right track.


New member
i think the waffle house scenario is what opened my eyes and got me asking questions of my own habits, expectations. it changed me from a lurker to signing up as i was reading it, into feeling the need to understand. in other words it got me involved, so thanks to that lively and somewhat heated discussion, and the different viewpoints of that particular debate, and the esteemed posters in that thread. it, and its tangents, was an eye-opener.


New member
Well, the list is long. Some of these people helped out with PMs and phone calls and some just posted good answers to my questions. I don't know that this is even fair because I'll miss a lot for sure, but here's a few:

Hawg Haggen, Raider2000, mykeal, JohnKSa, Antipitas, WildAlaska... and hogdogs of course... for those times when I'm looking for sophisticated, highbrow commentary. :)

I hate this! There's many more of you.... don't take offense... I love you all, man. :)


New member

He gave me a bunch of good informative PM's when I was new to reloading.


He seems to be a nice guy and was fun to chit-chat with.


Gave me good information on sources for inexpensive bullets.

But most everybody here seems to be pretty nice and helpful. This is a great forum! :cool:


New member
I'll also throw out a huge THANKS to many members out there and that especially includes the ones who would actually participate in a debate and challenge some of my ideas.
These are great entries, guys and gals.

ChicagoTex said:
Even though he's an admin (and thus maybe not eligible since he's not a regular "member" per se) I'm a huge fan of JohnKSA's ability to deliver complete and accurate information in a way that totally dispels any building hostilities in a given thread. He's really got a gift, and I'm a huge fan.

You got that right, Tex. He really knows how to swoop in and douse(sp) the flames. Then, he has the articulate nature to take a thread going downhill fast to a useful one in one single post. When L&P was around, the tone after some of his posts definitely changed from childish bickering to useful debates.

Anybody else have some specific events that a member here helped you out in the world of firearms?

grymster2007 said:
and hogdogs of course... for those times when I'm looking for sophisticated, highbrow commentary.

If it weren't for hogdogs, I don't think I would be fortunate to own a GAMO and know the ins and outs of getting the best out of it. Personally speaking, I view him as a better man to extract the best of what life is given to you than most people I know. I bet if I were to meet him personally, he'd give my father a run for his money in that department...
hogdogs has more hunting knowledge than I could ever hope to acquire

Scattergun bob keeps me thinking about my inadequate unslung HD set up, then re assures me that as long as I keepp in practice with it it will work fine

PBP has all the info on pistols I hate to look up b/c I could really care less about pistols, just want a side arm for my unslung 11-87

WA is fairly witty and always tells me when I am staring at a deal, even if he never has what I want in stock. I admit I usually want pretty weird stuff.


New member

He only got four posts off before John nuked him, but he posted this on a day when I really needed a laugh-

long range engagements
i have a breakdown NEF single shot in 300mag. its easy to carry in the car but i need more power, thugs with .50 grizzly big boars attack me after work. What is a convienet repeating rifle?

Actually, I originally thought this post was by Socrates; but since there were no pics of .895 Linebaugh revolvers attached, I knew it twernt' him ;)


New member
There are far to many members on here I wish to thank to name them all! I wish I could name the member who had posted a method of cosmoline cleaning that I stumbled upon, but it was not a post that I took part in, and I can't find it. Thanks anyways! His/her method worked great! If I have to throw in a name I'll also go with Hotdogs. I always seem to post right behind him and he always gets a :D out of me. Thanks to all members!

hillbillyshooter seems like a genious. He knows everything that there is to know. we are in complete agreement with what the best guns are. he has always helped me answer my frustrating questions and if he couldnt answer them he helped me figure out how to find them. i will probably ask him a question right now. there are many other members that have helped me and provided insightful opinions. thanks to all, but mostly hillbillyshooter.
I thought I'd bump this thread since it's been a while and I'm sure some members must have something good to say about another...

4V50 Gary's Rambling Anecdotes are priceless. Lots of fun to read and get an angle of what it was like back in the day...


New member
Thanks for the bump.
73-Captain has pm'd me many times with great info. It has helped a lot.

Kraigwy always contributes great posts to my threads as well.

There are others too. This seems to be a good community and most of the members seem well intentioned.


Staff In Memoriam
Many have provided entertainment and/or education...
I thank all the regulars that take part in these discussions with the respect for others!

Due in no small part to 2 regulars in the shotgun section, one really hammered it alot...
I no longer keep my 500 fully hot with one in the pipe as I am now convinced that the gun is not designed to be safe in a free fall slam the fllor situation. I feel no less safe either really!
Thanks for letting me know I have put smiles on faces and been helpful... That is the second reason I live my life as I do... the first reason is obviously my family...


New member
I'd like to thank DoctorXRing, and others in the C&R section, who patiently answer my newbie questions about Mausers. the Doc even gave me a hot tip on a matching byf 42 that I eventually got.

overall, this is one of the best single-interest forums I have ever visited. :)
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G'day. No Tuttle8, I'm not stalking you. Just thought I might look up some of your threads.:D
Some time ago I asked about using spent .22lr cases to make jacketed projectiles. I had several replies from, don't do it, it is dangerous. To 'Dr. Strangelove' who gave me a link to the supplier of the tooling needed to do the job. As it turns out ALL bullet manufacturers use "brass" to make their "copper" jacketed projectiles.