Nader "Outed"


New member
.... No, he's not gay (at least I don't think he is), it's worse - he's a Democrat mole.

The Greens aren't out to get elected. It's all about Federal Campaign money. Money that'll be use to get more liberals elected in 2004. That's why the Dems invented the Green Party. It's a clever scheme, but just look what's happening in these last few days of the election. The Greens are picking their fights cautiously, pulling out of Kali now that it's in play, being careful to not actually hurt Gore. Now they've set up these web sites to "Trade" Nader votes. Greens are just tools.

The Democratic Party wants Nader to get 5%. The Dems know that can't get a clear majority of the American vote. They need a third party to help unlevel the playing field. It takes two Parties to defeat the Republicans, that was proven in '92 and '96. But the Reform Party didn't turn out as planned, to unpredictable, it tried to grow a brain. It's better for the Democrats to have their own splinter party that they control completely.

With 5% of the popular vote the Greens get free federal money in the next election. Millions. Every cent of which will be used to defeat Republican candidates. The Democrats would essentially have twice the TV money as the GOP in 2004. That money will be used to run ultra negative Green campaign adds against Republicans. The Democrats will stay above the fray and fight the good fight, they won't have to get soiled, the Greens will do their dirty work. The Republicans will be caught in the cross fire, forced to fight on two fronts.... and that never ends well for the guy in the middle.

Bottom line is I hope Nader gets 4.999% of the popular vote and every one of those votes comes from a State where Gore and Bush are tied. A well funded Green Party in 2004 is not in the best interest of the GOP. -- Kernel
