NAA - I want this!

Glenn... I'm in the same boat as you... I collect top breaks, & just couldn't swing the NAA when they 1st came out... now to get one would cost a bundle & then some...

the swing out cylinder ( I honestly haven't read up on them yet... does it have an ejector ??? ) would be really cool in it's own right... will have to keep an eye out for one... thanks for posting the link...

... I'll be off doing some reading now ;)


New member
Glenn, those are priety smart looking. The way I see it is, we all try to justify our new found love, by saying ( I dont really need it ) ( Ive enough guns already ) ( I should just bank the money ) BUT ! I say, just wanting it is enough. Unless, your significant other says differant ! Sorry, im just trying to help.


New member
I often carry mine and having a swing out cylinder would be nice. Still, unless there is a speed loader available it still will not be a quick load, and three shots is about all one would likely use anyway before heading for cover. I'll certainly take a look when they become available.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Even with a speed loader, it's cool. One thing abou reloading them now is manipulating the hammer, taking out the cylinder and the retaining pin, etc. This might be easier.

Pax saw one. Does it have an ejector, Kathy?



New member
Just buy the danged thing Glenn,,,

You know you want it,,,
Justification enough I would say. ;)

Besides, it really does look very practical.




It's cool, but to me, it's would be more of a want than a need.

I do have a Mini 22lr 1-1/8", I carry in the belt buckle holster if that's what you want to call it.

Point? I'm not sure if you really need a 22mag in such a small gun, honestly my little NAA revolver want's to jump out of my hands every shot. And rapid fire? Forget about it. That only with my reload's though.:D

Shadi Khalil

New member
Very cool indeed. I real close to picking up a little derringer this weekend but choose to spend the same amount on ammo. I'm kinda glad I didn't now that I've seen the Sidewinder. The MSRP's I've been seeing are a bit high but cool none the less.

Shadi Khalil

New member
Here's some photos for my homies..



Images courtesy of the American Rifleman :)


New member
Swings out to the right because they would have had to change the lockwork otherwise. I would put larger grips on it for carry.

The Sidewinder might actually allow for a reload.

I wonder how sturdy the crane is.

Have they done extensive testing for HFS? (Hollywood Flip Syndrome).


New member
I was shooting mine today, 1 1/8" barrel doesn't get you a whole lot of power but I was making hits at 60 yards. Not accurate hits but at least I was hitting the cardboard which was about 3' square... The Remington Yellow Jackets and Vipers weren't the most consistent velocity wise.

That swing out cylinder looks pretty neat, but since this is purely a defensive carry gun I don't see any real disadvantage with the removable cylinder. Like Teuthis said, after a couple shots you're going to be going the other way and looking for cover.


New member
3 foot square at 60 feet is believable, but impressive.

also "making hits", are we talking 1/5 or 4/5?

On topic...

Man i wish i would have waited to get a mini, this is cooler than the break top in my humble opinion...

Mine is short barrel .22lr, i may have to get one in .22mag with a longer barrel.