N.O. rescue


New member
Rich was right to lock the "truth about new orleans "thread. It was getting a bit ugly.

Lets cool off a bit on the subject of how the BGs were created and concentrate on our hopes for their neutralization, saving those in need of help, and supporting the effort in any way we can.

There is enough finger pointing going on now and we should stay above it. We should not sink to the level of certain politicians. In the middle of a crisis, casting blame is counter productive … even when you are blaming the right one. After the crisis is over, …. Well … we might have to take the fight somewhere else but then they’re fair game.

I’m sure we all agree that

1. BGs (I doubt that there are really that many…you can bet that every shot fired is dutifully reported by the press) should be neutralized by any means necessary.
2. Those in need must be rescued without regard to their station in life.
3. The rescuers must be supported at all cost.
4. Race is not and should not become a factor in the rescue effort

Some of the most spirited of arguments occur between those using different terminology to achieve the same end.


animal,you're correct. :) :)

My point on multiple Boards has been that color HASN'T BEEN a factor in this tragedy from the rescuers position. There isn't time to even consider it. I couldn't live with myself if I had to decide who lived or died due to the color of their skin. I've been through a number of Cat 3 and 4 Hurricanes, and an F3 tornado. As a member of Fire/EMS, I can honestly say that it takes days to organize the relief effort. I can also tell you that racism isn't a factor. A child is a child, brother.

What chaps my butt is those who automatically throw the race card into the efforts. They aren't there, they won't be there, but they know so much. This denigrates the efforts of those risking their lives to help, no matter what their color may be.

Instead of worrying about the financial status of the refugees, let's save that for the after-action reports. While many couldn't leave N.O. for a number of reasons, others could, but didn't. Their actions complicate the rescue effort, if for no other reason than the additional resources needed to extract them.
