N KY man "snaps" kills family and dog.

Sir William

New member
Triple murder in Newport, KY. Mike Richardson is charged with shooting his wife, his daughter, her boyfriend and the family dog. Joyce Richardson, Sunshine Richardson and Phillip Leslie were identified as the three killed. Richardson held police at bay for over an hour. He killed the family dog and then surrendered. Police reported finding a large number of weapons stashed inside the house. A 50 CALIBER RIFLE WAS ON A TRIPOD IN THE LIVING ROOM AIMED AT THE FRONT DOOR. I think this is the first time a 50 caliber rifle has even been located at a homicide. ?? Anybody got any statistics? I placed to 50 caliber information in caps as it is a odd thing. The potential for the antis to spin this angle is there. I was actually surprised that the MSM has not focused on a 50 caliber killer. To my mind it would equate to finding arsenic at a train wreck.


Man! Is it just me, or has there been a real rash of multiple murders in the last week or so?! I seem to recall reading of at least four of them in the last few weeks, beginning, I guess, with that jerk teenager who shot his girlfriend's parents and then absconded with her.

I've also read of a surprising number of suicides recently -- of bad people who stood accused of crimes of various types. One was local Florida, in which a guy who crashed a car and was found with cocaine, etc. shot himself on a beach behind his dad's house. Another was about a guy who was some sort of special investigator with the attorney general's office somewhere, who was associated with a now-disbanded drug enforcement team. He was being investigated as a "person of interest" in the disappearance of cash or something from the team's stuff. He was found by his wife, shot to death in an apparent suicide.

I sure wish more of the evil people in this world -- the murderers, the rapists, the corporate fraudsters who ruin people's life-savings -- would all just save us the trouble and kill themselves.

Suicide is a bad thing, but in the case of evil ridding the world of itself, I really really don't mind it one bit.



New member
Christmas/New Year is a peak time for domestic violence and suicide (and the weeks afterwards a peak time for divorce). Weather's bad, people are cooped up for days with their relatives, drinking more than usual, decide to lay a few home truths down. "Ah, the hell with you. I never liked you anyhow. And let me tell you a few more things about yourself...."
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New member
I could be wrong, but I think a lot of guys are getting angry about being some chick's wage slave and having to live in a skanky one room apartment, while some other dude gets to enjoy the wife, house, family, dog etc. that the husband was promised way back - until said chick kicked him out.

And some of these guys are homicidal maniacs. Not a good combo as seen in this sad, ugly, little scenario.

Got to feel real sorry for the daughter and the dog though.



New member
Sad...just sad. Makes me want to :barf:

Just wondering, any chance that .50 cal. was a black powder rifle and the tripod a bipod?

Same thing I was wondering.:confused: I got a .50 cal for a present:eek: Mine doesn't have a bipod, just a flint.:p You could put one on the inlines though. I'm sure it's just another case of accurate gun reporting.:rolleyes: Got a link?