N.Colo Nat Forest Fire blamed on shooters


New member
Heard about this on the radio last week.A forest fire in Roosevelt National Forest in late Nov was claimed by fire investigators to be blamed on shooters ,that bullet fragments were found at the fire's origin.They are looking for leads to whoever might have been shooting at that location.

Yeah,I'm skeptical,too,but that doesn't help anything.

Once,I did have a 300 yd target catch on fire.I hit the target steel stake (5/8 rebar) with a lead and copper 7 mag slug.Saw the cellotex backing and targets begin smoking in the scope.Drove down and poured my drinking water on it.I suspect steel spall,like hot machining chips.

I suppose steel cored military ammo cuould make flint and steel type sparks,in super dry pine needles and such.

Here is our problem.I believe a Fed Agency can write a regulation "Recent forest fires have necessitated banning shooting in the National Forests...."

One price of Freedom is responsibility.Let's do all we can to be safe and careful,and not bring negative PR down on the 2nd Ammendment.

Let['s not leave evidence of a good day's plinking(shot up stuff)
Lets not leave a pile of 500 steel cases,or plastic hulls.Lets not shoot signs,etc.
The TV and news camera's are going to be trying to find propaganda.

Let's not give them anything to twist


New member
Bullet fragments?:rolleyes:

Would that be cartridge casings?

Geez,this could be anybody.

And it did'nt have to be shooting related in any way.

One of the guys could have been smoking a cigarette.

Or miracles of miracles,it could have been lightning induced.


New member
Bummer. That is a beautiful place,,,or was ?

How much damage was done ?

That whole "North Park" area is very unique.

IF you ever get a chance to go there, don't pass it up. ;)