Mystery Case


New member
While looking for brass, I found a 30-06 case for which I cannot determine the manufacturer. It is Berdan primed, is made of steel and is a somewhat shiny grayish color. I have used two magnifying glasses, to double the magnification, and I still cannot make out what the three small symbols are in the head stamp. The letters, SPRG and numbers .30-06 are also on the head. The interesting thing about the case is, about 3/8" from the extraction groove, there is an indented ring around the case. The ring is about 1/16" wide and about the same depth. Any ideas?


New member
I can take a photo of it but mine are always too big for an attachment and I don't know how to reduce the size. If I can do this, I will attach a photo.


New member
I believe I have seen Wolf, Tula or some other Russian manufactured .30-06 ammo with a ring around the case that sounds like what you described.

44 AMP

I have used two magnifying glasses, to double the magnification, and I still cannot make out what the three small symbols are in the head stamp.

That makes it tough, and a picture of something we can't tell what it is isn't worth much.

Since it is steel and berdan primed, an US / Canadian maker seems very unlikely. Most likely some former east block country, made for the commercial market.


New member
44 AMP,

I agree with you. On the web site where I identify head stamps, I see a lot of stamps with three letters and not being able to identify the three on the case, I can't get a good ID. I kept the case because it's unusual with the indented ring above the extraction groove.


New member
It's been a while so I'm working on foggy memories. I found a half dozen cases like you mention, steel with buff silver finish, Berdain primed and a groove above the case head. My research found it was an Eastern European manufacture round (mebbe Chec.) and earlier '60s production. Possibly for the military. Still have them...

I'm on a new computer so pics aren't available...
Here, does it look vaguely like this?



New member
The ones I have are quite similar except without the olive drab lacquer finish, just a semi-dull steel finish...