Mystery 9mm round

Willie Lowman

New member
I found three of these rounds on the ground at the range.

The headstamp is G.F.L. 9mm 93

Anyone know what they are?


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Rifleman 173

New member
It kind of looks like a NATO overpressure round. Near the end of WW2 the Germans experimented with 9 mm ammo that was overpressure above that of the standard 9 mm ammo. This overpressure ammo was meant to be used in submachineguns and not in pistols. NATO has continued the practice of testing the overpressure ammo in some submachineguns. So you may have a Fiocchi 9 mm round made in 93 for use in some type of submachinegun. Have you thought about contacting Fiocchi to see what they say about the round?

Regular Joe

New member
That would have me puzzled too, except for what I saw today. I was out at one of the usual places where I go in the desert. Soon after I got there, I heard a strange noise, like shooting, but different. It was coming from just over the next hill, so I kinda' just wandered to where I could see better.
Marvin the Martian!!!! He dropped a coupla' rounds while he was reloading, and I picked 'em up. Same thing. Keep them away from magnetic fields!


New member
Except for the separate necked down part it looks like a 30 cal. Luger

to me:



New member
Is that something stuck in another case? Like a loaded .32 stuck in a 9mm case? 9mm stuck in a .40 case? That second shoulder looks too sharp...
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New member
Frangible rounds

Look a lot like this. The frangible rounds I know are a copper and resin amalgam.

The case is the catch. It looks like a bottle neck case. I have used 'Simunitions' which replace the slide and barrel on conventional firearms and use this sort of mini paint ball marker as the ammunition. I recall it to be 8mm in diameter. It is for live fire training against other people; the idea being it isn't lethal or even damaging except for strikes to the eyes. (Every one wears goggles.)

If it is a frangible, it looks to be a .357 SIG.

The '93 in the headstamp has to be year of manufacture.

Dr. Strangelove

New member
That sharp shoulder looks like it is there to act as the mouth of the case, as 9mm head-spaces on the mouth of the case. From that point forward, it looks like a training round of some sort, as other posters have suggested.


New member
I know, but it got my attention...

When I decided to dig out my one box of 30cal lugers and take a picture that envelope was sitting on my desk and I thought it would be cool to take the picture with it in the back ground. Is actually a renewal notice from Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine.

Just for information... the 30cal luger was (is?) a legal round in many countries in Europe because it is less than a 9mm Military round. A few years back I bought a Ruger KP89X which has an extra barrel and spring that chambers the 30cal luger... regular 9mm mags work the same. Is novel in a collectors way but not very practical.

I'm sure you guys are right about the fragable or what ever round but it sure looks a lot like the 30cal to me.