My yotes are gittin' bigger


New member
Just went out to the screen room and the biggest yote I’ve ever seen came up over the ridge behind my house and walked straight towards me to about 50 feet, made a left and meandered off through the trees. I’ve seen more and more yotes in the area of late, but they’re usually pretty small and skinny. This one was tall and well filled out; like it’s been eating real well. It looked to be 4-6” taller and have 20 pounds on any other yote I’ve seen around here (near Napa). I hate to guess, but it looked nearly as tall as our German Shepard was. Not as heavy, but our dog was over 100 lbs.

How big do these things get?


Staff In Memoriam
IMHO, I think it is 2 factors in play. I think genetics is one. Possibly some domestic dog influence since they have made a come back. They are less afraid of humans and our dogs thus crossbreeding has happened often to the point we have "coydog" packs as well as pure 'yotes. I seen a yote that had to weigh over 70 pounds and was the size of a JUMBO german shepherd. This monster size animal lived in the outskirts of Orlando amongst humans. No way he could ever be more than a mile from a house or business.
I think the second possibility is adaptive change. Since food is plentiful at this time they may get a bit bigger. When time of famine this will cause severe detriment to the population as they are to big to sustain them self on less food or water. Than the survivors will be smaller...
How's that fer a redneck view on caninious coyoteous ('yotes):eek::D


New member
they are in nj. i was talking to a guy back in january. he would hear them howling while in his stand. and ran into a few guys that were hunting for yotes. i have yet to see any here but that don't mean they aren't around.

was that monster in your yard?


New member
was that monster in your yard?

Yup. The ridge he came over leads to undeveloped land between Napa and Fairfield. He was big. I understand that people often overestimate the size of wild animals, so I try to consider that when I see one and make allowances for any tendency to do so. That's why I won't guess at it's weight. It had a large mane and a long coat that was not mangy looking, like many others I've seen.

I sense a decrease in the small rodent population.:)


Yup. The ridge he came over leads to undeveloped land between Napa and Fairfield. He was big. I understand that people often overestimate the size of wild animals, so I try to consider that when I see one and make allowances for any tendency to do so. That's why I won't guess at it's weight. It had a large mane and a long coat that was not mangy looking, like many others I've seen.

I sense a decrease in the small rodent population.

There have been two disturbing coyote attacks on young children in southern California recently. Let's hope that this does not start to happen in northern California too.

Local cat populations might also not do well if coyotes get established nearby. They can make a real tasty meal for a Coyote too.



New member
Grymster, I hunt yote's in Napa, and yes they have been on the healthy. All these anti's around the valley are letting them be and not killing them. Up in circle oaks i have a friend thats losing her cats to them, but she loves to watch the yote's every morning. I love shooting these song dogs, i had 4 come in during turkey season while calling. Sounds like the one you saw would make a great pelt!


Grymster, I hunt yote's in Napa, and yes they have been on the healthy. All these anti's around the valley are letting them be and not killing them.

Well, hopefully when a yote is finally successful in making a kill on a toddler in California, attitudes there towards them will perhaps change.

It sadly will most likely take such a tragic incident, though, in order for that to happen. And I just don't see attitudes changing in the meantime, that would help prevent such a terrible event from taking place.

All three of those toddlers that were attacked earlier this month were most lucky that an adult was nearby to come to their immediate aid. Otherwise, this would already have become a grim reality.


Fortunately authorities have now killed six coyotes in that area of the state.

Just two weeks ago a 4th coyote was spotted stalking another young child near Redlands. It fortunately has been destroyed also.



New member
My yotes are gittin' bigger
Well, quit feeding them wine, cheese and creackers (and the occasional poodle) and they won't get so big. Put them on a steady diet of 55 gr high velocity suppositories and make yourself a fur coat.


New member
Well, quit feeding them wine, cheese and creackers

C'mon Scorch! You ought to know that I keep the Velveeta, Wheat Thins and Carlo Rossi Vin Rose to myself.:D

Sounds like the one you saw would make a great pelt!

I don't know if it's legal to discharge a firearm on my property. The neighborhood is zoned Rural Estate and the lots got from 1 - 5 acres. Over the hill I hear gunfire sometimes, but I think that takes place on 80+ acre ranches.