My XD finally here! =)


New member
As if you haven't seen them all before but here is my new baby! Can't wait to fire her... maybe this weekend sometime, till then she will be in the comfort of my cool and dry air conditioned room....

Springfield Armory XD in .40 calibre - 5" Tactical model... soon I'm going to get a Galco holster for it once they get off of backorder.


New member
Oooooo, Ahhhhhhhh :D Congratulations - have heard great things about them - wish Springfield would get off their butts and have their line certified for MA sale. :(


New member
n3twrkm4n: It's been awhile since I have looked at this, but I believe it works like this: For longguns, most any longgun legal anywhere else is legal in MA. For handguns, however, there are published regulatory standards for the firearms construction to meet certification. The state attorney general's office doesn't bear the burden of testing compliance. Rather, that must be done by the manufacturer, using an independent lab, and the results of testing submitted to the state.

Not all handguns made would pass, but most of them would, if they were run through the process. Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Beretta, SigArms, Kahr Arms, Walther and Para Ordnance have gotten many of their handguns certified (I'd guess at least 200 handguns on the current approved list). But Colt and Springfield haven't bothered to even try. Glock came within a whisker a few months ago, but there turned out to be some snag... I am still hoping that Glock will make the effort to see it through. :(


New member
Sorry to continue the hi-jacking of this thread, but just for grins ... are the Law Enforcement agencies exempt in MA? That's what REALLY burns me about CA's "safety" testing ... it isn't about safety at all or the folks that carry 24/7 would need the "benefit" of the safer designs more than anyone :barf:

Back on topic ... are the XD's DAO, or is there a bobbed hammer tucked away in there?



New member
Cool ... I noticed the grip safety ... otherwise it looks a lot like a Glock but with the HK grip angles which are much better in my hands. I'll have to go shoot one ... that sounds like something I could recommend.



New member
Far be it from me but as I heard the XD's have the same grip angle as the 1911's that Springfield makes... I heard, I've never held or analyzed a SA 1911-A1


New member
The grip is a 1911 angle grip. That's why many people like it better than the Glock. The feel of it in your hand in much better than Hk's feel. I love my Hk USP, but the grip of the XD is much better. It just fits my hand perfectly!

You should definatly go out and try one or at least go to a store carrying them and hold one. You'll like it.


New member
I know I love the looks of the 1911 and I think my next pistol might be a 1911 in Black Stainless Steel from Springfield Armory... it's just a beautiful thing and I'm a stainless fanatic ;) Just if I was going to get an XD they look better in all black (IMHO).