My wife thinks I have lost my mind


New member
A bank here in town closed down last year and nothing has replaced it. The building is for sale. My wife and I have been house shopping and I got to thinking how cool it would be to have a giant walk-in safe, we could remodel and have an interesting home, complete with a 3 car car port. Have I lost my mind?
Definitely not. That has been a dream of mine too. I have always wanted to re-purpose an old bank or church as a home. With the bank you have the added benefit of the built in gun safe if the vault is serviceable.

Smokey Joe

New member
My wife and friends are SURE I've lost mine...

years ago. So what?

You get an interesting idea, you pursue it.

I agree with Composer 1777, check the zoning, but if you get serious about buying it you'll need a lawyer's help anyhow, and that person will check out the zoning and a myriad of other details for you. That's why you pay a lawyer--To check out the devilish little details that are so durn complex.

There are a hundred reasons why you might end up NOT buying an old bank to live in, or lots of other "crazy ideas," but "Naah, I just don't wanna go to all the trouble of checking it out." should NEVER be one of them!


New member
If the zone laws are against you (if you have to have a store front there) you can section it off with a candy shop in front and your living space in back!


New member
You need to think like a woman to win :D

She is thinking (Where can I hang my fancy curtains) and
your thinking gun vault.

Yes, there is a compromise here somewhere :)


New member
One possible catch, the people that know that it was a bank at one time know that it has a safe not a deal breaker but something to consider.


New member
To the looney bin with you!

"They're coming to take me away, haha! They're coming to take me away, hoho!"



New member
Does it not all come down to value?

If it fits your needs, is within your finances, and has sufficient value to you both; then why not?


New member
Buying old bank building

Hey, an added benefit is the bank vault could also be used for a "safe room" in case of a disaster. Just as long as you are able to open it from inside the vault.
I'd love to do what you are thinking. :)


New member
it probably has a flat roof.......

great for a deck or night recon.

might still have all the surveillance equipment.


theres a bank near me thats for sale.


New member
I saw a show on one of the house and garden channels once one unusual homes. One couple had taken an old bank building (1900-style architecture) and converted it into a home. It was very cool, very nicely executed and ultimately very expensive.


New member
There was a nice house up the street from me that know is a bank but everything about looks residential except the big vault and ATM.I would Love to buy it out and keep the vault for the guns and the ATM just in case someone wants to make a large cash deposit.:D You haven't lost your mind your thinking like a gun owner/lover.Just convince her how nice the furniture will look in there.;)
ThunderStorm said:
"One possible catch, the people that know that it was a bank at one time know that it has a safe not a deal breaker but something to consider."

There is, or was a lovely little Starbuck's Coffee up in North Carolina that was converted from a bank. You could sip your frappacino in the walk-in safe (if you got there before the lunch crowd).