My Valentine`s Present


New member
New grip panels !!!



New member
Nice grips GP! Very nice. I like those much better than the new ones.

Disco, did that gun come with a 22mag cylinder, or just the 22LR cylinder shown in the picture?:eek: :D:D:D LOL!



New member
Disco, that short barrel 500 should be fun.

Out of curiousity, how do the 500s compare in terms of felt recoil to full power 300gr 44magnums out of a similar platform.


New member
& now the rest of the story!


NICE Vday present fosho !!!!

Back a few months ago when 1chig was thinkin of castin some bullets I had some setting on go & sent him some I told we`d settle up later & thought no more of it - - - until he sent me a PM & said "there on the way" (expecting bullets to replace the 1s I sent)That`s all I could get out of em !!!& Happy Valentines !!

So the package arrived & I thought whatindaworld !!! I opened it & a set of grip panels was what he sent !!!


So I checked with em & he said go with the CROWING so here it is !!!

If ya want a set of FINE panels give 1chig a holler !!!!!

PS : there a little thicker or rounder than factorys & fill the palm nicely !!!

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New member

I shoot 325 grain barnes bullets in the 500mag...and 275 barnes in the 460...I would say that recoil for both is close to three(if not four)times that of a 44mag...which I also shoot a 629...but my 44 is ported also. The difference between 460 and 500(when both are loaded max'd) I would say is minimal.


New member

Is the 460s barrel as short as the 500 ???

I shot a long barreled 460 & was impressed how well the recoil was controlled !!! But it was HEAVY !!

A pure Hunting revolver !!!!