My ugly duckling: Lemonade out of Lemons?


New member
I was disappointed with my Masterpiece Arms MPA971 9mm Carbine at first. It's fricken heavy. Add a 72 round drum on it and whoa Nelly! Now you got youself an Anvil!
But I realized I was going about it all wrong. So what if i'd probably bust a nut carrying on a hike or while checking the fenceline? At least it is odd looking...LOL!
Then I took it plinking, you know, to break in the barrel and the gun shoots pretty straight! Almost no recoil to speak of either because of the weight! I found a Fake Quick Release MAC surpressor in one of the spare parts boxes and it went on the barrel real nice (for looks, I figured what the hell it already weighed allot why not add more forward ballest!) and I slapped on my old 10/22 Scope, a 3x9 x 50mm BSA Contender and a Harris Bipod rip-off on an extra railed AR15 forearm and viola! My very own 9mm Squad gun!
I'm really enjoying the gun now. It took a while and a lot of attitude adjustment but it's won me over. I like shooting it now!
I just found out last week that the MPA 971 had been discontinued...WooHooo! Now there's a chance my trusty Anvil will become a collectors 'curious relic' someday!!! LOL!


New member
Oh I'm having fun!

And so are all of my friends as long as i'm the one who loads it, cleans it etc etc etc...


LOL! Seriously though, now we all take turns shooting it pretending we're Snipers. The rounds are relatively cheap, but I need to stop loading those drums for them...


New member
We need to set up a fund to get FS2K a digital camera. I'm tired of having to google his toys to see what they look like.:D


New member
And just to think...I remember a while back you had it for sale on here, you'd really be regretting it if you would have sold it.


New member
Seriously hoytinak, you're right!

I'm getting my 1911 back from the refinisher next week Hedley and I'm hoping it'll be pretty enough to show off, so the chances of me getting a digital camera (FINALLY!) is real good! Sorry I didn't post any of this gun, but I will. It looks real cool with the BIG scope + sunshade, bipod and fake silencer on it~LOL!

hoytinak, You are absolutely right. I'm happy I didn't sell it or trade it off. The thing just grew on me...All 50lbs of it! (just a slight exaggeration). It is a bottle cap KILLER this one, and the fact that its a smooth shooter too is a bonus! But like I said, if I'm gonna keep on busting it out for everyone to shoot, I'm gonna have to switch to stick magazines to slow them down a bit!


New member
by the way, how much does an M14 or FAL weigh loaded?

I think I got them both beat with this gun! LOL! I just weighed it on my digital scale and she came in at a whopping SIXTEEN POUNDS 4 oz. !!!!!! That's 2 of my AR15's put together and then some! Heeheehee....