my small arsenal


New member

here's what I have for now!

IN a bit when i get some more cash I'd like to get a modern bolt action and a semi-auto .308 of some kind...but they'll have to wait haha


New member
haha thanks all... oh I need a shorter barrelled shotgun too haha

yes i've owned a couple and miss them dearly....haha read what i wrote in the handgun forum in a similarly named thread!


New member
you could just get a slug barrel for the shotgun you already have instead of buying a completely different gun......or go buy a used bird barrel and have it cut down.....nice collection though
nice collection...well rounded

you could just get a slug barrel for the shotgun you already have instead of buying a completely different gun......or go buy a used bird barrel and have it cut down.....nice collection though

Trying to talk him out of buying another gun :eek: :eek: :eek: Hold your tongue.


New member
Good stuff! Don't let out where you live. The Arsenal Police will come see what you have that they don't!:D

Yea! Dido on the plastic, No Plastic guns! Fooooowyy!


New member
furyfour, it looks like you need one more pistol to match your number of long guns. May I suggest a Ruger .22LR, stainless, 5.5" bull barrel?


New member
oh and thanks Beau!

haha I love that K31 & the Mauser!!!

I will never part with them!!!

soo sell me some ammo haha

Jeff B.

New member
Nice picture, and collection.

I was looking at the weapons, and thinking, "boy, he's got a bunch", when I started thinking about my safe...

You've got me by a few, but I've got a couple more than I had realized!

Now I need to lay in a few rounds for each piece. I've tended to concentrate on the odballs like the 6.5 & 8 mm's.

Jeff B.


New member
just think if he saves money on not buying another shotgun he can put it towards that other gun that is "just out of my price range", or he could put the money towards a couple cases of thing that i dont see is either a FAL or an M14....maybe a semi-auto smg....


New member
predator, you do have a very good point!!! That should gun would be for HD really and probably wouldn't see much use.

I think I will buy the savage i posted about in the rifle forum (with my economic stim check)

and save for a PS90 or microtech...


New member
nice collection.
what make and caliber are the pistols and the rifle with the bipod?

i don't even want to think about taking pics of what my dad has locked up. it may make someone unhappy, like him (dad). and there may not be enough room to post them.


New member
Pitols are 2x Glock 19 (9mm), Glock .23 (.40), Glock 36 (.45), Ruger SR9 (9mm), FN Five Seven (5.7x28), S&W M&P 340CT (.357)

Rifle is an Enfield in .303 British