My Sisters 1st visit to a gun store :-)


New member
I live in Hampton, Va. but visit family in Charlotte, Nc. at least twice a year. When I'm in town I always visit Hyatt's Gun Store. 2 thumbs up! Any way, my Sister is as prissy as it gets and knew nothing about guns until our visit to Hyatt's. She was impressed with their knowledge of firearms and overall professional attitude and left with a totally different attitude. In her words..."this was a eye opening experience....I had no!"


New member
That is awesome, see if you can get her friends interested in the sport too! Lord knows we could always use more female enthusiasts.


New member
When I visit again I'm gonna see if she will go to the range with me. I know she will :) I will take a .22 for her to shoot. One step at a time :)


New member
I don't think it needs to be a .22. A full size steel .38 or 9mm would be manageable as well as a rifle in .223 or something.

Certainly offer the .22 first but I find most people want more! I shot a compact .380 for my first gun ever fired and I can all but guarantee I'm not bigger than your sister! haha

Sounds like you done good and hopefully you can enjoy this together.


New member
I see a .505 Gibbs revolver in her future ! Get her one of those for her first gun....

Seriously, just take her plinking, bring a small assortment of stuff she can shoot and see what they all are. The decision to acquire a gun is hers, and hers alone. Just give her the opportunity to broaden her experience, whether she decides to get one or not later on.

Miss Stana

New member
The first time someone really took me shooting, he let me use his 22mag lever action. That gun couldn't miss and we were shooting at mice in a ditch bank. Sure got me hooked. Next was coyotes with a .264.


New member
So do you have ANOTHER sister? just kidding, my wife wouldn't go for it ... always love hearing about positive reactions from first-timers when they're introduced to our world ...

Don P

New member
I don't think it needs to be a .22. A full size steel .38 or 9mm would be manageable as well as a rifle in .223 or something.

Just give her a 50 cal. Desert Eagle and turn her off to shooting totally.
Good start with the 22 and let her ask to try something else/larger caliber.:rolleyes:


New member
Yep, get your sister and a couple of her girlfriends hooked.

I agree that we do need more women firearms enthusiasts.