My Second Gobbler of the Season


New member
Killed my second of the season this morning. Went to one spot first thing this morning and heard two birds gobble way off. But they were not in a good place to try and get on. Ran to a place we call the Middle Field next. Walked out by the pond and yelped with a high pitch box call. A bird gobbled on the ground waaaay back at the timberline on the back side of the place. Grabbed my stuff and went after him. I got to the back timber line and hit the box call again. He gobbled not 150 yards away to my right down the tree line. Set up on him in some select cut pines and started to call with the Woodhaven slate. He would gobble but stayed in the same spot. Finally he went silent. Wouldn't answer my calls. Didn't gobble at crows passing over head like he had been. I thought he was gone. After 30 minutes of nothing I ran one more string of calls on the slate. Nothing. I put my slate in my pocket and was gathering up my stuff when I heard "Pit Tooooommm" I got my gun back up on my knee and started looking. The underbrush only allowed me to see about 45 yards. I heard one more "Pit Tooooommm" and then I saw him coming. He had gotten around a little to my right but still in front of me. I put the Speed Bead dot on a gap he was heading for and thumped him at 35 yards. 17lbs 6oz, 10 1/4 inch beard and 1 inch spurs. Camera date is a day behind. Plate is right. LOL!

