my rugers


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almost picked up a 4" at a show but didnt have purchase permit required here in Mich. but I absolutely have love for the 4". My next will be laser grips for the lil guy and a alaskan to add as well. :rolleyes:


New member
Its a good thing I'm an underpaid grad student otherwise I'd have to give up and buy part of the company... Blackhawks, Redhawks, Vaqueros, automatics, eventually I'll need to have a dedicated Ruger safe :D For the moment its just the Super Blackhawk, but I can't let it stay lonely forever.


New member
Great guns but you guys have to got rid of those BUTT ugly grips.Sorry just can't take the looks of them :barf:


New member
The grips will be history in the not to distant future. crimson trace on the sp101 and wood like above example by bullrock for the 3". not sure on the 6" yet.