My review of the Polish P-64


New member
I agree. To me, the Hungarian RK59/R61/SMC918 is a far better choice. I have had two of the P64s and had no luck with either. Too weighty for the pocket, not too reliable the pair I tried.


New member
I have a P64 and I'm dead accurate with it which suprised me. I expected worse. I found it to be a very reliable gun the DA pull is horrible so I swapped it out with a lighter mainspring which helped alot. I would have no problem using it as a CCW. I also put a heavier recoil spring in and though the recoil was not bad at all no worse than a LCP.


New member
My P-64s have been reliable and accurate. Since there's not a lot to hold on to, the relatively small contact area with your hand means you feel the recoil. I don't like firing much more than 100 rounds on a trip to the range.

I'm no muscleman, but I can fire it DA with one finger. However, the accuracy when firing DA has to be poor. I have not replaced the springs since I figure the stiff DA acts kind of like a safety. I never intend to fire DA.

I bought my first one four years ago. Added three more soon after.



New member
I traded the mainspring on mine and the double action pull is still pretty bad. BUT, the gun is very accurate and dead reliable. It's heavy but nicely made.


New member
I traded the mainspring on mine and the double action pull is still pretty bad.

Try dropping down to the next weakest spring. On my first P-64, the 18lb spring made for a perfect DA pull. On my 2nd, the 18lb spring was still too stiff so I dropped down to the next size. Now, that one has a great DA pull. Sometimes you just have to experiment.