My reloads are hitting to the left, how do I fix them?


New member
Factory ammo seems to be hitting center, but my reloads are hitting way to the left.
I am getting one ragged hole about an inch or more to the left at 7 yards with my reloads. That is pretty bad because at 25 yards or so I have to aim practically off the target to the right in order to get the bullet to hit the center.

I am shooting a Kimber CDP full size with 230gr lead over a light load of WST.

What should I do to get these loads to hit in the center like my factory ammo?

Will more velocity help, since this is a light load?

Ps- I do not feel that it is me. Everyone keeps assuming it is my shooting technique but it can't be because my other guns and loads hit center of the target, but it seems to be just this load in this gun. I have never experienced this problem before so I don't know where to go from here.



New member
Play with the velocity, however WST doesn't give you much room to experiment in the .45ACP.

You might want to try Unique, it has about 3-times the room for experimentation that WST has.


New member
You are on the right track. I've seen them do some strange things with different loads or just changing the bullet.


New member
Start a log. Try changing the weights of the charges first. You have more room to play there. If that doesn't work, try changing powders. Then primers, etc...Keep the log and if nothing works, you may have to start completely over OR...after you find the load that is most consistently reliable and accurate(group wise)...sight the pistol in for that load. You might consider going to an adjustable if you are going to insist on changing loads all the time...