My RCBS powder measure......


New member
It seems like it takes about 40 pulls before it CONSISTENTLY throws the same, repeatable charge.
Example: I'll adjust it until it's throwing 5.1g of Bullseye, but after a few pulls, it's weighing in at 5.0g, then after 20 or 30 more pulls, it's down to 4.9g and will stay at that charge seemingly indefinitely.
It's not a real problem, as I can set it for .2g higher than I want, pull 30 or 40 times, and have it end up where I want it, but I wondered if anyone else has this. Thanks. :)


New member
Put a baffle in it, or switch to ball powders. Bullseye is fluffy, and the bottom layer is getting packed down. A given volume will hold more packed powder than loose.

Steve in PA

New member
I second the baffle. I get very consistant loads using a wide variety of powders, H110, HS6, Unique, IMR-4895, etc.


New member

It removes the weight of the powder column in hte hopper from the measuring chamber.
The powder goes through the small baffle openings and makes a consistent little pile above the chamber. Accurate metering shows up.


New member
Uni-Flo metering

Uni-Flo metering
I am not sure you have a problem.
Do you have a Powder Baffel installed.?
As the level of powder goes down the metering can/does change. The weight pushes a dfferent amount down.


New member
Thanks guys. I don't think I have a baffle. Just what came in the box.

I haven't noticed the charges being different as the volume decreases, but will watch for it.

Where can I get a baffle?


New member
I am now baffled

I Had the same issue until I got the baffle. Made all the difference...

Get a baffle, I think mine was $6 locally.



New member
I have to support Brickeyee and Madison's theory. I to have an RCBS Uniflow powder measure. Works like a charm, but I remember having the same problems you are encountering years ago, then purchased the baffle and voila, problem cured. Take care


New member
The baffle...a piece of tin, a replacement for the item the RCBS engineers left out, for $7. Check your Dillon powder measures, the baffle's built in to the thing. I made a cardboard template and cut out a piece of a big #10 tin can and made a #$%^ baffle for it. Seems to work.


New member

I rummaged around in my empty jars until I found a lid that was a slide fit in the reservoir and cut the corners off at a 45 degree angle. You could do the same thing with a 69 cent 1 1/4" PVC end cap. I ain't got around to rooting through the copper pipe fittings.


New member
Baffle in RCBS Measure

This thread on using a baffle, and it certainly is a uniform response, baffles me. I too have the same RCBS measure with the same mmetering problem with Bullseye powder. Guess what!? I bought and installed a baffle from Midway for the measure and it didn't make one damn bit of difference! That measure throws the most inconsistent charges of any of the three measures I have. The Lee Pro something (whatever it's called) is by far more consistent.


New member
if you have a Gander Mountain near you, you can get one there. I had the same problem as you until I got one. I think I paid 6-7 bucks for one there.


New member
If you are still gettting bad throws with a baffle the next step is to work on throwing technique.
The handle needs to be operated in a smooth and consistent manner. Since not hitting the stop at each end is very hard, hitting it with a consistent bump at the top and bottom of each stroke works very well.
Set it up and practice.
It does take a certain technique to get a volumetric measure to operate consistently.