my Para GI Expert review with pics

hi everyone, i'm new to the forum (just signed up a few minutes ago). :)

and wanted to post my review of a recent purchase i really like.

i bought the para gi expert a few months back.


i put some vz tiger stripe operator grips on:


i've put about 600 rounds through it so far with no problems aside from a ftf one round early on during the break in, and has not been repeated. (this gun comes so tight when brand new, you have to really grip it to pull back the slide--the manual recommends a 500 round break in).

it shoots quite accurately, allowing you to easily make a ragged hole at 15 yards. the very smooth and light trigger pull aids in this too. it feels about 4lbs.

the slide to frame fit quality is instantly noticeable when you first pull back the slide. it's smooth as glass, and has no play whatsoever.


the polishing of the frame ramp and barrel throat are also quite nice, and the barrel is crowned at 11 degrees. heck, they even polished the extractor and breech face!


you certainly wouldn't expect these features on a $550 1911.

here's 50 rounds at 15 yards, two hand hold:

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New member

I was thinking last night of putting a query on the board about feedback for this particular gun. Its one I'm considering and the price point is certainly manageable on a budget.

Great shooting!


New member
I also have a para, and I love it. I read so many bad reviews about them before buying, but once I handled one I had to have it. It has been flawless after 500 rounds. Great gun, I'm glad to hear another great review!
I also have a para, and I love it. I read so many bad reviews about them before buying, but once I handled one I had to have it. It has been flawless after 500 rounds. Great gun, I'm glad to hear another great review!

glad to hear you like yours too!

you know the gi expert is made differently than all of para's other models. it doesn't have the fully ramped barrel or the power extractor. wonder if this is the future of all their guns?


New member
I have one and like it but also had a very scary experiance while shooting with a buddy I was showing him all the safety features and showed him the thumb safety I put it up to lock the slide pointed the gun down range pulled the trigger BANG! IT does this every time, the hammer is not supposed to hit the firing pin when the safety is engaged but it does. para said they would fix it but it would cost 85.00 to ship it, and since it's a nite stand gun I just keep the chamber empty. Next time you shoot yours you should check to see if yours fires too with the safety engaged.


New member
That's the first good review I've heard of a Para. Ok, haven't looked to hard.

Maybe para is coming around?