My P3AT kicks too much. Alternatives?


New member
As per the title. I've got a P3AT that I've put several hundred rounds through and carried in a pocket holster quite a bit. It's my deep carry or BUG, second to an H&K P2000 that I absolutely love. I've been trying to practice with the Kel-Tec, and I just can't stand it anymore. I don't like shooting it, I can't hit squat with it at even close range, and it is finicky as heck with ammo. I've had more ejection/feed problems with it than any other gun, even after polishing the feed ramp. I need something that's going to kick less and still be small. I know all about the stopping power arguement, that's why I have the 9mm. Right now I'm more worried about gunfight rule #1: bring a gun. I've seen a lot of posts about 22mags and 22lr pistols. Is a 22mag goimg to kick as much as the 380? I'm sure the LR will be managable but I'd rather carry more power than less if I'll actually be able to use it effectively.

I don't care whether the gun is a revolver or auto, as both platforms have strengths. So... what do you think?


New member
Out of a pistol, the 22 mag will make a big bloom of burning powder, but felt recoil will be a lot less than a 380. Obviously, 22 even less so. Is there maybe something wrong with your P3? I fired my buddy's and recoil was less than the blowback Sig p232.


New member
Personally, I would try to stick with a .380-like caliber even if it means I could practice less than with a .22. The reliability issue is a problem, however, and you may want to replace your gun regardless.

How about a heavier .380? Something in the 15 oz range would soak up a lot more recoil. Perhaps a Sig P238? Also, Desert Eagle and NAA make heavier, compact .380s.

Also consider the Keltec in .32 ACP. This would be more manageable than the .380 version, yet would have more penetration than a .22.

- Sr.

Mal H

Is a 22mag going to kick as much as the 380?
Not even in the same ballpark for similar weight guns. But because of that, i.e., energy transfer, a 22 Mag won't be nearly as effective as a 380 ACP either.


New member
something to consider

1) you know this is not a range gun. But as you mentioned if you can shoot well and trust your shots then the gun is as good as a bull in a china shop.

2) Try a Sig P238 - it's the Colt Mustang Sig and it's a nice shooters. No recoil like the P3AT/LCR

3) It does take some time to get used to so go to an instructor to give you the finer points of shooting this little package. Investing $50-$90 is still cheaper than getting a new gun.

Good luck and hope one of these works for you.


New member
I have a P3AT and it's a real firecracker. It has never malf'd, and it was surprisingly accurate the first time I took it to the range. (after that, I started flinching)

I think I need to try some minimum load for practice, instead of using max loads all the time :rolleyes:

I wonder if you could convert a P3AT to .32 ACP by just replacing the barrel?

Bill DeShivs

New member
The Keltec P32 is much easier to shoot than the P3AT. It's actually fun to shoot! The gun is slightly smaller, thinner, and lighter.


New member
Well, it's serving two roles: first and more importantly, it's a primary carry when I can't fit my P2000 into my wardrobe or when it's critical that no one suspect I have a weapon. Secondly, it's a BUG. I don't want a gun that requires I be in punching distance of my target regardless, and that's what the recoil has practically reduced it to. My feeling is that I shouldn't settle for a gun I can't handle properly regardless of role. I feel like my shot placement would be so poor that I'm better off with a different gun, even if it packs less power. The Sig sounds very promising, if there really is that much difference and it's still pocketable then I might not have to drop to a less powerful caliber.

FWIW, I don't think you can convert them unless the conversion barrel is the same size on the OD... otherwise you're inviting pocket lint into the action.


New member
I've read that the magazine extension helps quite a bit with the recoil. (I haven't tried one)

Also I carefully blunted the sharp point on the end of the trigger with an emery board; that helped some.


New member
Actually I've been shooting many different calibers for quite a while. I've shot thousands of rounds through bolt-action milsurps (k98, m44) my Yugo SKS, and more recently a Vector Arms V-93. Pistol experience comes by way of a Ruger Mark III Hunter, a 7.25x25 Tokarev, my favorite H&K 9mm, various 45s, etc. I have shot thousands of 22lr rounds through 3 or 4 different rifles. I have little mouse-gun experience save the P3AT, which is why I'm asking questions. Please don't belittle me with no evidence to justify it. If you have somehing meaningful to contribute, please do. Otherwise, comments about pepper spray and how wimpy I am don't contribute much to the proceedings. Simply accept that the Keltec has unacceptable muzzle flip for my purposes and that I prefer a greater degree of control in my shooting. I'm sure you'll agree that a 22wmr will behave differently in a tiny pistol than it does in a bolt action rifle, but that it's difficult to quantify the difference without direct experience? Good, now that we're on the same page we can continue.

Thank you to those who responded. I'm going to look at the P238 and the 32 Keltec initally. Also curious about opinions on the Beretta Tomcat.
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New member
I bet most of the guys who are questioning your experience and toughness have never shot a Kel-Tec 3AT. I have, a lot. My 10mm is much more pleasant to shoot than that little gun. I shoot it "ok".

That said, I still think it is the best option out there. But if you are just sick of fooling with the gun, try the .32. I've heard the recoil is much less but, of course, so is the power.

I just got a P11 and it actually recoils less. It still has the super long trigger pull. The P11 and skinnier P9 are as small and light as a 9mm gets but they are pushing the limits of the a "pocket gun".

Pocket guns are very light and recoil a lot. There is no way around it. When choosing one remember to consider thickness and weight. These guns are a compromise, there would never be anyones first choice.


New member
Thanks for the wisdom, Catfishman, I'll see if I can get my hands on those small 9mm keltecs and test for pocketability! I agree that a mouse guns isn't the first choice. If I knew I was going to a gunfight I would take two things: my V-93 and backup. Someone far more experienced than I once said something like "the only use for a pistol is to fight your way to a (real) gun."


New member
I agree with oldkim.....try a Sig P238. I had one and it kicks MUCH less than that KTec or an LCP. Alas, when I had the opportunity to trade it straight up for a PM9, it was a goner. IMO, the PM9 has the same felt recoil as the P238. BOTH have less felt recoil than the KTec P3AT, by far.


New member
I'm not questioning your manhood. But I own a Kel-Tec P3AT and the recoil is fine to me. If you want something that small and compact you are going to have to either learn to deal with the recoil, or consider alternatives such as pepper spray.