My next modification to my Lil Pietta


New member
The Cylinder Pin.

I had been wanting to do this mod since I got this little jewel but finally gotten my self around to getting a few new pins for it & bringing my self to do it.

The job was simple really.
Taken my new pin, marked in 2 locations where I wanted it to hinge at & used my dremel with a medium cutting disk "to make the smallest cut" & cut the pin at a 45* angle.
Then I marked the cut ends for a center cut to accept my home made link & used the heavy duty cut disk for this "since my link was just a bit thicker than the disk.
Using a 1/4" X 2" body washer as my material for my link I cut & drilled it to match what I wanted, then drilled the pin to accept a 5/64" roll pin.
Assembled the pin, some minor filing to get the roll pins the same profile as the rest of the pin & then used a single coat of Oxpho-Blue to protect my work.

Here is my result after about 1 hour of work.



New member
williamfeldmann said:

What purpose does this serve?

So that complete removal of the cylinder pin from the revolver is possible, otherwise with the 5.5" barrel "and shorter barrels of these" the cylinder pin can only be slid out just enough for some cleaning but not 100% cleaning & if the pin ever needed replacement it's just a snap to do instead of removing the lever block.

Doc Hoy

New member


You could have made the barrel longer, say about 7.5 inches. Then the rod would come out far enough to take the cylinder all the way out.

OKay...Okay I couldn't resist.

On the serious side. Just looked at the photos I do like the looks of the job.

Did you do any touch up bluing? It appears as though the finish has not been touched with a cutting tool.