My New Walther PPS M2


New member
I just picked up a new Walther PPS M2 9mm, then I put the first hundred rounds through it yesterday, and I am very happy with the way this little puppy shoots straight out of the box. It didn't take long at all for me to get into a good rhythm with it at the range, I love the trigger, and the nice three dot sights. It came with a flush mount 6 round mag for carry and an 8 round extended for a spare.

Except for my Sig P6 I normally don't get into subcompact pistols, big hands are a curse trying to shoot a small framed gun, but I really like this one. I'd appreciate it if anybody could steer me to a good online source for extra 8rd. extended mags, this is the new "M2" model and I'm not having much luck finding "M2" mags.
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New member
Except for my Sig P6 I normally don't get into subcompact pistols,

That's funny, I never thought of my P6 as a sub compact. You really might have a hands issue...

I generally troll and look for sig mags there as a number of outdoor retailers carry the magazines. There was a several month period in early 2016 when the M1 magazines (my version of the PPS) were super scarce and I thought that might be because Sig was making a production run on M2 magazines, but I haven't seen any yet. Good luck and send out a full range report when you get a chance.

happy shooting


New member
Congrats on the new PPS M2 JDBerg. :cool:

The PPS is an awesome pistol. I have had the original since last August and it has been 100 percent and a sweet shooter as you found. Slim is in for CCW. :D


New member
doofus47: said:
That's funny, I never thought of my P6 as a sub compact. You really might have a hands issue...

You raise a good point, what is the definition of a subcompact pistol these days? frame size or mag capacity? based on the extended 8rd. mag that comes with this, I'll say subcompact, but I could be wrong

doofus47: said:
I generally troll and look for sig (you mean Walther) mags there as a number of outdoor retailers carry the magazines. There was a several month period in early 2016 when the M1 magazines (my version of the PPS) were super scarce and I thought that might be because Sig (you mean Walther) was making a production run on M2 magazines, but I haven't seen any yet. Good luck and send out a full range report when you get a chance.

The owner of the LGS I bought this PPS M2 from is an old friend, he is going to try & order me a couple this week. I know this one will pack real well, I'm starting to scope out a rig for it. I need a couple more range sessions with it before I can post some targets. The range was really dimly lit & I couldn't see the front dot to save my life. It liked BB, and it really liked S&B's on its first time out, fed them all 100%. I think this will print targets real nice with some of the 124 gr. +P Hornady AG ammo that I normally carry, this one definitely has +P potential!

Bart Noir

New member
I bought the PPS M2 just a few weeks back. And promptly compared it to my PPS Classic, and that included shooting of course.

The M2 isn't any different when it comes to sights or trigger feel, with one exception which I will mention below. But the completely new frame with its much better grip shape and "normal" magazine release, makes the M2 the better gun. My PPS Classic will be sold.

The M2 has a different trigger guard which has a slight trough for the trigger to move into, at the end of its rearward travel. And that trough has sharp edges so that my finger gets pinched a bit. I intend to do some light sanding to remove those sharp edges.

Bart Noir


New member
I bought a PPS M1 when they first came out, and I love it. When the M2 came out, I looked at it at my LGS, and absolutely had to have it. It is, in my opinion, one of the best subcompact pistols out there, and I have or have shot most of them.

I was leaning toward what Bart Noir said and sending my M1 down the road, but I might keep it as a backup to the M2. Even though the grip frame on the M2 is a vast improvement over the M1, they are both excellent shooters.


New member
The owner of the LGS I bought this PPS M2 from is an old friend, he is going to try & order me a couple this week.

Definitely stick with the source, especially if your LGS is run by a friend. The world needs more LGSs.

I have a N82 (nate squared) IWB holster for my pps classic. Don't know if they have a new holster for the M2, but mine carries comfortably and securely all day.

I migrated to the PPS classic on a downward trend. I bought a .40 p99 for my woods gun b/c it had more capacity then my cz100. I liked it, so I bought a p99as in 9mm for my carry, then I bought a PPS classic to carry when things got warmer. It's a real shame that they updated the PPS grip to be more like the p99/ppq and changed the magazine release as well. The only complaint I've had about my dead reliable PPS was the difference in grip. It wasn't a bad grip, just different.

Now that I'm used to the trigger guard mag release and all of my carry pistols have the same, I don't see myself changing to the new PPS and create an odd-man-out carry pistol.


New member
I've been curious about the new PPS (i've got the old one). It looks like the magazine release isn't the same. Is there much else different because I like the German style trigger guard release so I don't think I'd "upgrade" to the m2 unless there's something else spectacularly amazing about it...


New member
The "M2" has a rounded single stack grip that resembles the look of the PPQ. This new PPS M2 has a button mag release unlike the paddle mag release of the original PPS. I love the trigger and I like the sights. I put the first 100 rounds through it and it was easy to get into a good shooting rhythm with it. I need a few more mags for it as I mentioned earlier, and I need to get more dry & live fire time with it but so far so good!
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New member
I ordered one extended 8rd. PPS M2 mag yesterday for $40.95. I don't think it's going to be worthwhile to convert the 6rd. PPS M2 mag to 8rd, what changes the mag capacity is the mag extender, floor plate, and spring. All three mag sizes share the same follower and mag tube body. The three parts necessary to convert a 6rd. mag to 8rd. aren't available from Walther (yet) so I'm not going to worry about it, and the 6rd. mag works great for carry.

Bart Noir

New member
Lee, may I gently suggest that looking at pic's of the two different versions will show you a whole lotta difference in grip. And that the new M2 grip is one-size-fits-all.

And that the light rail under the frame didn't make it to the M2. No loss in my mind but if I ever get a hankering to put a laser on it, I may change that tune.

Bart Noir

Bart Noir

New member
OK, now I have to recall some words. In a wreck, they may truly explode and hurt the occupants.

No, wait, that's the airbag in my car.

Yesterday I was reading a review of the PPS M2, written by Iain Harrison, him of Recoil publications fame. He wrote that the M2 had a newer trigger design and it was better than the original.

And so I rushed to do a dry-fire comparison. He was right. The M2 took a little less force and had a slightly crisper striker release.

But I will say I never noticed any difference when actually firing.

Bart Noir
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New member
I'm really liking this gun, I'm starting to collect spare 8rd. mags for it, and I read a really good review by Garrett Lucas in the new (June 2016) "Gun World" issue, and it's a good read.

He raved about the gun, which ran flawlessly when tested with a good selection of FMJ and defensive ammo, and he mentioned that he carried this in a DeSantis Superfly pocket holster that he used with another pistol but which worked perfectly with the PPS M2. He stated he "...(could) easily see the PPS M2 as (his) new pocket pistol. It's thin, light and comfortable and improves upon what (he) already has with regard to accuracy and handling". Additionally, (he was) "...absolutely sold on it as (his) next pocket pistol". After 200 rounds (and counting), I have to agree with this ringing endorsement!

I never even considered this gun for pocket carry but now this article had me thinking.....


New member
Bart Noir
Yesterday I was reading a review of the PPS M2, written by Ian Harrison, him of Recoil publications fame. He wrote that the M2 had a newer trigger design and it was better than the original.

That could be true about the trigger. I was strongly underwhelmed by the trigger on the PPS classic when it was new. I spent a few days dry firing it (w/snap cap) to death and it has smoothed out some. Still much less smooth than my P99as, but... everything is.

Bart Noir

New member
And I also am a big fan of the P99AS. I sold my PPQ and bought a P99AS Compact instead. I like the ability to have either full decocked condition or cocked with longer trigger pull. That gun has 3 trigger modes!

Bart Noir


New member
I handled the new PPS M2 today and really like it . It has a much , much better trigger than the first model . That was one reason I didn't buy the first model and I didn't like the removable backstrap . I also like the little bit of roundness of the grip and undercut of the trigger guard over the first model and the Shield . The paddle mag release didn't bother me though .

If I was going to by another single stack CC gun the PPS M2 would be at the top of the list .

You made a very good choice IMO with the M2 .


New member
I actually prefer the paddle release (on this and also the wonderful P99) but I'm curious about the improved grip of the M2. Two questions though:

1. Will the M2 require a different holster?

2. Do they take the same magazines?


New member
The PPS M2 most likely will require a different holster especially for kydex holsters.

The magazines do not interchange between the original PPS and the M2 PPS.

Bart Noir

New member
The M2 has a slimmer frame (under the front end) than the original, since the rails were eliminated. It should fit into a holster of the original, especial a leather holster.

There is such little change to the trigger guard's outside dimensions that a holster which grips one of those models should work for the other.

I have only a single kydex holster for the original PPS, one from Clinger holsters. When it is adjusted for the PPS, it is just a little too tight for the M2. But it can be adjusted for the M2.

That is only a sample of one but I would be surprised to hear that kydex holsters which grip on the trigger guard and have a screw adjustment there (meaning all of them, pretty much) will not work for both guns.

Bart Noir