My new SS Milspec .45

I swapped out the trigger for a harrison design trigger and the arched MSH for a Flat Ed Brown MSH. Really like this gun.


Do they not make the SS frames in Brazil? My parked milspec says it is made in Brazil, this SS one does not. Definitely a tighter fit on this one as well with no side-side play in the slide/frame.

Cannot wait to shoot it!


Here is a pic of my parked milspec.



New member
Do they not make the SS frames in Brazil? My parked milspec says it is made in Brazil, this SS one does not. Definitely a tighter fit on this one as well with no side-side play in the slide/frame.

If memory serves me, it seems like the GIs are usually assembled in Brazil and the Milspec is assembled in both Brazil and the USA.

Nice looking guns by the way.


New member
As I understand it, the Made in Brazil stamp is only used for guns that have been finished and assembled in Brazil. Those that were shipped to the US as rough components and finished by SA don't have that designation. The US finished Mil-Specs used to have an NM in their serial number, though I don't if that's still the case.

Also they've apparently placed the Made In Brazil stamp in various locations, so it's not always visible. But if you've taken the pistol apart and haven't encountered it yet, then there's a decent chance that it was finished in the US.