My new SR1911


New member
I have owned a 1911 for a week now... All I can say is, "What took me so long!" I'm pretty new to handguns, as in I didn't own any until September, but I own a Glock gen4 G17 and a Sig P226 in 9mm. I've often read people compare triggers across platforms i.e "it's nice for a Glock, but it's no 1911"... That sort of thing...

Well, now that I've actually fired a couple of hundred rounds through my SR1911, I'm beginning to understand! I've fired 3 brands of 230 gr FMJ ball ammo and I have had no issues of any kind. The trigger pull is light, smooth and the break is crisp enough that it surprised my wife so much she nearly dropped it!

Please excuse the poor quality pics... cell phone camera only, but you get the idea.

In summary, for $650 the Ruger is a terrific value IMHO, and I am enjoying learning and appreciating the 1911 platform!


New member
Congratulations on a nice buy. I have recently obtaioned a Ruger 1911 also, nice handgun. And yes, there is nothing quiet like a 1911.


New member
Congrats on your SR1911!

I don't own one but have owned and shot Rugers for a looong time.

It won't let you down!


New member

I am new too, just bought my first 9mm a month ago.

I have similar taste - almost bought the gen4 glock 17, but got a px4 9mm instead.

Eying both the sr1911 and the sig p226 next.

Which one would you get first now that you have both?

Very fine looking group of pistols so far.


New member
Congratulations on your first 1911. They truly are addictive like no other gun.

So far everything I have heard about the SR1911 has been very positive.


New member
Congrats! Yep, I'm jealous too. I'm expecting the SR1911 to be my 1st 45 purchase (the drawer is full of 9's and .22's right now). Spent my spring gun budget already though so now I'll have to wait until fall. *sigh* (Darn kids wanting to go to college :rolleyes:). that SR1911 sure is one good looking gun!


New member
I too have a SR1911. It a great gun. I like it...alot...I mean alot. I have a old Colt from WW II and a Colt ACE from 1937. They both have a curved backstrap. I prefer that to the flat one on my Ruger. I will be changeing that out, and maybe put the trigger on a diet wich is kind of a thing for me. Other than those minor tweeks I have no plan to do anything else but load it, shoot it, clean it, and repeat. Congrats on your find, hope you enjoy it as much as I plan to enjoy mine.


New member

I am new too, just bought my first 9mm a month ago.

I have similar taste - almost bought the gen4 glock 17, but got a px4 9mm instead.

Eying both the sr1911 and the sig p226 next.

Which one would you get first now that you have both?

Very fine looking group of pistols so far."

I'm definitely "in love" with the Ruger at present, so on first blush I would say the 1911, but if I hadn't owned the Sig for a while, I might not have had the confidence to buy the 1911. Glocks are so simple to take down and work on, I have learned much from my Sig. The Ruger is a much better value than the Sig, so Ruger gets the nod.


New member
Now you've gone and done it!

You have now ruined yourself, you will never be happy with any other handgun beside the 1911.

Congrats on the SR1911, it's on my list.


New member
I think the ones that come with the SR1911 are CheckMates. They are good mags. Chip McCormick's Power Mags are some of the best rated mags on the market.


New member
As to "what magazines to buy", I bought Chip McCormick Power Mags and Colt stainless in both 7 and 8 round configuration each and The Ruger has performed flawlessly with the new and the factory magazines.

If you watch Hickok45's videos on the SR1911, he uses a "variety" of magazines and they all seem to function fine.

I'm too new to the platform to offer an "opinion" as to what you should buy, I'm just passing along my experiences with my Ruger.