My new Redfield VeriDot optics


New member
The Sportsmans Guide does it to me again. Had to have this, not sure why. (Great thing about America huh) In any case here it is. Redfield model 800625 ESD(Electronic Sighting Device). 30MM tube, It has four different size dots and eleven intensity settings. I will sight it in and give a report in a day or so. This is my first foray into red dot sights so any advice is more than welcome. The handgun is a S&W 610 Classic


New member
Looks nice. Sure has alot of options. Keep extra batteries with you as irons sights aren't an option. Please do let us know how you like it.


New member
I was able to test my Redfield Vari-Dot today (sorta). I fired 200 rounds of American Eagle through the 610 Classic. I was shooting at 4 and 6 inch steel plates at 25 and 35 yards. Fresh out of the box this thing was already on metal. All shooting was done standing, using both one and two hand holds, all shots fired single action. Nothing fell off and zero never was over minute of steel plate. I will shoot for better accuracy using paper targets in a day or so. But so far I am very pleased. Getting on target is super fast and the variable dot was clear and bright even in florida sunlight. I feel this would be good for a hunting setup for sure. I'll post pics of targets when I shoot them.