My new license plate!


New member
Got my new license plate in honor of the 2008 elections! :D

Am going to order KMBR 45 for my wife's A6.


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I've got a buddy that has SIG 229 on his truck. Mine on the Jeep run out next month and I'm getting P2KSK on it. :cool:
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While I do like vanity plates because they are about the only way to show a little personality without junking your vehicle up with bumper stickers, I certainly will not be letting everyone up and down the road know about my guns.


New member
Yeah, all my extra money goes to reloading supplies, and I don't advertise, but...
My GF has TAC-IV on her plate, in honor of her Para Tac-Four.
When someone asks (depending who it is) she's been known to tell them that it stands for "Total Animal Count--4" which has an element of truth, as we have four dogs :)


New member
I prefer to fly under the radar. I don't even put on the NRA window stickers anymore. Surprise is an excellent force multiplier.


New member
:) The vanity plates are pretty cheap here in Missouri. I figure that most people will not even know what it means and if they do, they'll probably appreciate it. I am not worried about someone coming to take my guns. The fact that I have an NRA Life Member sticker on my truck and car probably tells them I have guns.

But as has been mentioned, to each his own.


New member
I'd roll with it! I don't see any problem with letting people know that you're a Sig / gun owner...


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Doesn't letting everyone know you have an expensive gun in you vehicle increase the chances of someone knocking out a window.

Harry Callahan

New member
I will not put any advertisement of any kind on my car. Too much of an invitation to someone who doesn't share your opinion. If I had a plate like that on my car the next time I was pulled over would naturally be by an elitist cop with an axe to grind regarding the 2nd Amendment.


New member
Cool tag.

I don't advertise anything other than my Nobama bumpersticker and my Blackwater license plate holder to P### of the libs.


New member
Great tag.

Around here though,the tag would get stolen and get your vehicle broken into because someone would want to steal the Sig 9mm they thought you left in the car.

Sad,but that's the world we live in today.


New member
I always try to promote a sense of unity by displaying my St. Andrews Cross

(for the ignorant, that's the Confederate Stars and Bars)


New member
Cool tag. And good taste in guns.

I'm guessing for me to have "Hi-Point" wouldn't be as impressive. :p

I don't have a huge concern about break-ins or advertising, etc., but it does give me a slight pause of you putting your actual tag on the internet. Someone could ID you that way.