My new HK45


New member
If there is one thing I have learned in my relatively short time as a gun owner, it is don't compromise on the guns you buy. This doesn't necessarily mean buy the BEST gun out there, but it does mean buy the gun you REALLY want, not one sorta like it. I have been tempted by the guns that I could touch and hold in stores, and those that were available used in my area.

I learned this the (sort of) hard way. I wanted a full-size, dead reliable, incredibly well-made .45 (not a 1911). I had really wanted an HK45 all along, and ending up making two stops along the way. I say sort of, because I sold one for almost what I paid and made a profit off the second. At any rate, the HK45 was the gun I had picked out, longed after, and wanted, but could never find one used, or even new to hold and try out. So others took its place.

I am now proud to report that I am the owner of a brand new HK45, date code 2011. It is everything I hoped for and more.

The grip is outstanding, fits perfectly in my hands and is solid and very easy to hang on to. Definitely the most comfortable gun I've ever held. The mag release is longer than the USP. While I used to be unsure whether I was really sold on this trigger-paddle style mag release, I now wish all my guns had it. The magazines insert easily but solidly, and drop free. With my USP I had to really slam the mag in hard if it was full and there was a round in the chamber. Like the USP, its very easy to cause the slide to shut itself by inserting the mag (but I believe this is common on HKs).

The double action trigger is far improved over the USP, a lot more than I'd expected it to be based on what I'd read. The single action seems a touch crisper as well, with a little less creep, but still very similar.

My first shot with it, double action, was exactly in the bullseye I was aiming at (15 yards), and it didn't get worse from there. I put about 100 rounds of Federal American Eagle and my handloads through it without issue. I did give it a thorough cleaning before shooting it (it was covered in the typical factory grease and oil).

Just wanted to share a few of my initial thoughts about this gun that I couldn't even find to look at until I had one ordered for me. All in all, the only regret I have is that I didn't dish out the money for this gun from the beginning.


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Uncle Malice

New member
Purdy! Congrats ScotchMan. Hope she shoots as good as she looks! I'm a big fan of both the look and feel of HK's... my problem is I can't shoot them worth a damn!

Not sure why either, but I seem to not be the only one. I've seen the same report from others on here.

Anyways, glad you finally got it! I know you've been eyeing it for a while! I just got my Springfield TRP in Armory Kote this week. My first 1911. She shoots pretty darn well! Which reminds me... I need to do a photoshoot and get a review up here...


New member
Haha, I swear you just troll the forums looking for mentions of HKs and Sigs ;)

I'm fairly sure 1911s will be my next weakness... That Springfield looks nice (on Google).