My new CZ 75B SA -- a range report


New member
As promised, here's a range report on my brand new CZ 75B SA.

I fired the gun today using my friend's handloads, 124 gr. fmj over 4.0 gr. and 4.3 gr. of tite group. I started off at ten yards, off hand, slow fire, shooting the 4.0. I was easily able to group within 2" at that distance although my group was a bit high. I switched over to the 4.3. Instantly, my groups tightened up and shot to POA (POA with this gun is a 6 o'clock hold). At 25 yards, the same verdict, the 4.0 shot consistently and significantly higher than the 4.3 and the groups were significantly larger. At 15 yards, still shooting off hand slow fire, I was able to produce some nice 2 - 2 1/2" groups with the 4.3. If you threw out the occasional self-induced flyer the groups were significantly smaller than that.

I then tried my hand at rapid fire at 10 yards. My objective was to empty a 16 round magazine in 25 seconds or less. At that distance, I was able to produce 3 - 4" groups, with the 4.3 continuing to produce tighter groups that were much closer to POA.

My verdict on accuracy: the gun is very accurate but performs better with slightly hotter loads. I'll keep that in mind when I buy commercial ammo for it. I've got some Magtech on order but, in fact, I suspect that the gun might perform better with Sellier and Bellot or even Fiocchi, because these rounds are loaded somewhat hotter.

As far as handling is concerned, the gun was a delight. The grip fit my hand perfectly, the gun was easy to line up on target, followup shots were easy. I've read a few negative comments about the cheap plastic checkered grips on the gun. However, I like them! They're thin, they fit my hand very well, and I noticed no rubbing or pinching with recoil. The single action trigger was excellent. There's a little bit of takeup before break, although not so much as would be a bother. The letoff was crisp and did not require much pressure. I have no idea how heavy the trigger is but the single action letoff was not much heavier than on my S & W 1911. I've read here and on other forums that an action job is recommended on this trigger. Maybe, but I'm pretty happy with what I've got.

I had no failures to fire, feed, or eject. I had a failure to load with a first round but I'm guessing that was my fault and not the gun's. Note to self -- must make sure that the last round you put in a magazine is inserted all the way in.

I shot about 150 rounds total today and I loved every second of it. I cleaned the gun after returning from the range. Takedown and reassembly are a snap. Cleaning was pretty easy, too, my friend's loads just aren't all that dirty.

I'd strongly recommend this gun to anyone. I got mine for $525 from Bud's. I consider it to be a steal.


New member
Your going to read more threads that are very much like yours. I don't know of many people that have anything negative to say about their CZ's. You made a fine choice, but your suppose to post up a picture of the gun. It's in the rules....



New member
Congratulation on your first CZ:D try some heavier bullets too, mine CZs like 124g ammo, especially Fiocchi


New member
I was shooting 124gr today, but I intend to find and shoot some hotter loads. My friend at the range suggested that I find some ammo loaded to NATO specs. Makes sense inasmuch as CZ builds this gun for police/military use.

Walt Sherrill

New member
The CZ-75 was designed by CZ around the 124 gr. round.

The 124 gr refers to bullet weight, not the amount or type of powder ("hotness"). You can find hotter 124 gr. rounds, or heavier or lighter bullets with different ratings, such as +P or +P+. Many 9mm NATO loadings are comparable to +P, but not all.

Just because it's hotter doesn't mean it'll perform better.

I typically shoot 115 gr. rounds, simply because it's easier to find, and cheaper.


New member
Nice write up. As for the factory rubber grips they feel somewhat similar to the plastic grips except they are much more "grippy" if that is a word. Mark


New member
Love mine.
