My new Colt purchase


New member
RE: Thread 1991 a Colt Good Buy? By Me,

I went to the gun show saturday morning and I did find some nice buys. Best one was a Kimber gold Cup Duel Tone new for $799.00, it was a demo. And many other fine guns. But my mind keep going back to that Semi Customized 1991-A that my Smith had made. I decided that since I already have a production Custom gun, my Kimber Custom Eclipes II target that I whaned to get the colt, then do some upgrading, to my own personal apperance. So on the way back home we stoped buy and pick it up.
Then home to get my shooting bag and off to the range.
I took my kimber so I could compair the two.
The new colt feed every type of ammo I put throught it. From low pressure 185Gr SWC to High power H.P, it performed flawlessly.
It did not shoot to point of aim "close", one of the first things are some adjustable sights. The trigger was good, in fact to most people it would have been great, but there was just the tiniest bit of creap. I will go over this tuesday when I go back and get the sights installed.
At 50' offhand it shot one group of 5 rounds, about the size of a half Dollar this was the best group i got but this gun is a tack driver. I need some good sights and some practice time, to see how well I can shoot it.

Thanks for the imput on the other thread.


Colt Pic 1 Colt Pic 2Colt Pic 3
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