My new Bersa 9mm Thunder compact

Garand Illusion

New member
So ...

I FINALLY got my Bersa Thunder 9mm compact to range for break in. Fired 120 HP's and about 50 FMJ's without an FTF or jam. VERY impressed. I like the feel of the gun a whole lot and it was plenty accurate.

Did well with point shooting (this is my CCW) and flash aiming. I also really like the 1911 style safety that goes down instead of up. And of course the fact that it's also a decocker is one of the things tha sold me on the gun.

I read in some literature on the Bersa site that it has a "chamber loaded" indicator. If so I'll be danged if I know what it is. The only indication I got of a loaded chamber was when I pulled the trigger and it went "bang" -- which is just FINE with me! Either the site was wrong or I read the wrong thing.

With 10+1 this is going to be my new CCW. It replaces my Taurus 605, which I also like a lot. The Bersa is roughly the same size as the 605 (though of course it lacks a fat cylinder and has a fat grip instead) but is a bit heavier fully loaded. It conceals pretty well and the capacity is sufficient. After cleaning it up I put it in my Pager Pal and we went out for dinner. It felt a little different than my 605 in the same holster and I did notice it a little more, but it was just as well concealed and didn't really bother me; I just noticed it more. Maybe that will go away once I get used to it.

After taking the advanced concealed carry class and realizing how easy it was to miss a person sized target even at close range, I just wanted more rounds available. Plus it seems like a flat gun is a little easier to carry than a revolver -- though it's nothing against my revolver, I own a bunch and love them all. I prefer a revolver for defense overall, but have confidence in this weapon to do what it needs to do.

A side note, though -- my Father in law, a retired LEO, was in town and went to the range with me. The SOB outshot me with my own guns, even though he hasn't picked one up in 3 years! Of course, he was the best marksman in his rural sherrif's dept., but still -- coming to someone else's house and outshooting him with his own guns is downright rude! :D

On the bright side, it showed me what my weapons were capable of and the level I needed to attain.

I definitely didn't embarass myself, though, so I'm not really ashamed.


New member
I've got the Thunder380. I took my wife out to show her how to shoot it and she outshot me right off the bat. In fact, she took it from me and won't give it back. She took it to a family gathering last week and out shot all her uncles, who claim to be great outdoorsmen. I've been thinking about getting a 9mm. I appreciate the good report.


New member
You're killing me!

I have been thinking about a Thunder 9 for a while but I just dropped 500$ on a Glock 27 yesterday. How much did you pay for yours? The Glock is replacing my Astra which suddenly has developed a bad jamming problem. I need to find a gunsmith out here in Northern CA who can fix it. I may need to buy a Thunder 9 just to get rid of all the 9mm I still have!

Garand Illusion

New member
About $350 out the door. Bought it from a local FFL I know who's started selling Bersas.

I did look around a little, and I didn't see an obvious way to get it cheaper than that, but if someone can point one out ...

Bersa also makes a full size 9mm that I'm sure is pretty good too, though I've never fired one and only picked one up once.

chris in va

New member
Wow, this is the first I've heard about this gun. It looks really nice, and is it just me or does the .45 version look the same size?? I looked at the .380 but that's not something I want to use as a CCW frankly.

How exactly does the decocker work?

Garand Illusion

New member
Yup ... the .45 is only a tad larger. Considered it, but it was the cheap cost of 9mm that won me over.

From what I've read the .380 has almost no negative reports, though I've never fired one personally.

Couldn't find as much on the 9mm, but what I did find was all positive. And now that I've fired mine I can add another positive to that (keeping in mind I've only fired a couple hundred rounds, of course).

Info on Bersa guns is here


New member
Thanks for the link. A question: the dimensions list these pistols as 1.5" thick. Why so thick? Is it just a case of "fat" grip panels that could be replaced with thinner ones, or is the frame really thick on these guns?


New member
Unless they made a mistake, the gun listed there is a Firestar not a Firestorm. Completely different gun. Firestars were made by the now defunct Star and imported by the now defunct Interarms.


Garand Illusion

New member
the dimensions list these pistols as 1.5" thick. Why so thick? Is it just a case of "fat" grip panels that could be replaced with thinner ones, or is the frame really thick on these guns?

I wish I had a good answer for that ... but sadly I think it's less than an efficient design.

The mag is a double stack even though it only holds 10 (looks like there'd be room for a couple more -- designed during the ban, maybe?) and the slide is much larger than it needs to be. This may have been to match the thickness of the butt and make it a consistently flat package.

I don't have the gun with me (out of town right now) but while it is definitely wider than some other .380/9 mm I've seen, it's not ridiculously so. 1.5" seems awfully big -- I'll measure it when I get home and see if maybe they didn't round up a little.

It's definitely no tiny little Kahr pocket pistol, but it's not bad. Mostly I just like the features of it though I wish it were smaller.


New member
I've got the Thunder380. I took my wife out to show her how to shoot it and she outshot me right off the bat. In fact, she took it from me and won't give it back. She took it to a family gathering last week and out shot all her uncles, who claim to be great outdoorsmen. I've been thinking about getting a 9mm. I appreciate the good report.

Your family gatherings/parties/etc involve shooting to?! :cool:

Garand Illusion

New member
Did some measuring ...

Bersa was surprisingly honest in their measurement for width and did it at truly the widest spot. Since the gun has ambidextrous safeties and slide release levers, they measured from the tips of these levers, which is the widest part of the gun even though it's a tiny area. I measured mine out at 1 3/8", though I didn't have calipers and it might be the full 1.5"

Most of the rest of the gun is about 1" thick, and just a little thicker in the grip. which is still thicker than it should have to be, considering it's firing the same size round as the .380 that is much thinner.

My guess is they made the model wide so that they could accomodate a .40 in the same basic gun (.40 is exactly the same dimensions).

Good for .40 people, bad for those of us who chose 9mm and would like the associated space savings.

Still loving this gun, BTW. Made it back to the range and put another 150 rounds through it. It's surprisingly accurate -- as accurate as I can make use of. Still no FTFs or jams.

I'm even thinking about selling my full size S&W 9mm because thought I like that gun too -- I don't really need to 9mm autos.