My new appreciation for the 3" GP100....


New member
I just picked this up a little over a week ago and already it's becoming a favorite in the carry rotation. Surprisingly it's no less convenient to carry than my SP101's. It's a little heavier, but not prohibitively so. It's a little thicker, but again this is not a deal breaker. The compact grip conceals well and the OAL difference is negligible.

I post pics here for comparison, for those who haven't handled a 3" GP (I hadn't until I got this one).





It's not been a daily carry for me yet as I go to work tucked in during the week. Khaki's and a polo are my typical work wardrobe. This means pocket carry during work hours and to/from, which for me means the LCP or LCR. This has been a frequent evening out or weekend gun so far in either a Don Hume JIT Slide or Simply Rugged Sourdough with inside out straps. With an untucked polo or T-shirt it is very do-able. Once jacket weather comes in I'm sure I'll carry it even more.


New member
That's not the case.

The grip studs on the SP and GP are different sizes. There is a GP100 compact grip (shown on the GP in the picture) that is smaller than the standard GP100 grip.

See comparison between the two GP's on top left here.


The grip panels on the GP100 compact grip and SP101 grip are the same size though.


New member
Thank you sir.......I just happened across it in Bud's used section a couple weeks back. I was actually shopping for a .357 Marlin levergun when I found this.


New member
I like mine quite a bit, but I don't carry it. It is my "house gun". Used it to qualify for my CCW permit. It was new then. It was actually only the second time I shot it at that time which I chuckle about to myself. I shot 357's and believe me I was shooting the largest caliber in that class to qualify.
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New member
I was actually shopping for a .357 Marlin levergun when I found this.

Nice! It typically doesn't work out well for me when I deviate from my intended purchase. I have a stainless 357 16" puma 92. So I can tell you, you have only delayed the 1894 purchase :D

Rich Miranda

New member
rantingredneck, I'm glad to hear that you can CCW the GP. It is my next planned purchase and for the same reason. I like the 4" version myself, blued not stainless. It's a durn handsome firearm. :)


New member
Nice! It typically doesn't work out well for me when I deviate from my intended purchase. I have a stainless 357 16" puma 92. So I can tell you, you have only delayed the 1894 purchase

Oddly enough I had been shopping for a 3" GP100 on and off for a couple of months. I had just missed a new 3" stainless the week prior. Saw on another forum where someone had purchased one from Bud's the day after I was on the sight looking for one :(. A couple of weeks later I'd just about given up on the 3" GP and was looking for a nice 1894C in .357. Happened across this GP100 in the used section. Couldn't click "buy now" fast enough :D.

I typically go for Stainless when I have a choice, but this blued one is growing on me. He might need a big brother (around 6" or so?) :D.

Jim March

New member
One way to look at it: it's the smallest gun made that can handle FULL HOUSE 357 up past 700ft/lbs energy and still be controllable one-handed at a decent rate of fire.