My new 32 round SureFire .223 Saiga mag?!


New member
I just recently picked up a 30 round SureFire mag for my .223 Saiga. The first time I loaded it up, I wasn't keeping count and just loaded it until I couldn't load it anymore. When I looked down I noticed 32 rounds were missing out of my 40 round box. I wasn't forcing the last two rounds in. They just kind of fit, I guess. Does this mean the spring is weak? The follower was cut too short? Does SureFire have loose tolerances? I haven't fired from the mag yet, but I cycled all 32 of the rounds out and all works fine. The bolt hold open feature is nice, and I didn't have to file down any part of the magazine to fit it in. I could care less about it fitting 32 rounds, in fact I see it as more of a pleasant surprise. I just wanted to make sure it was all gravy, and not a terrible mess up of some sort.


New member
If it was meant to hold 30 rounds, I wouldn't load any more than that in it. Overloading the spring will wear it out quicker.


New member
my .223 surefire saiga mags hold 32 as well...and shoot just fine loaded that way. i have two of em, and they both do it. after a few thousand rounds, they don't seem any worse for wear...