My "new" .22


New member
I was in one of my local honey hole pawn shops today browsing the rifle racks. They had an old H&R Leather Neck with one of the most beautifully tiger striped stocks I had ever seen that I was looking at until I noticed the home-brew-whittled-in-with-a-pocketknife checkering and the $700 price tag, I moved on.

There on the next rack down was a Mossberg, I couldn't tell what it was from the angle. The man behind the counter handed it to me and it was a 146B T-Bolt. I stifled a smile as I looked it over, I've wanted a T-Bolt for a long time, it's complete. S-130 rear peep, intact rear sight, intact flip up front sights(minus the hood), 90-95% bluing with some surface rust just starting to freckle in a couple spots. Case colors still visible on the bolt handle. Stock is in great shape, no dents. Just a couple light rubs and scratches and missing the green Safe tab.

I smothered a chuckle when I looked at the price tag: $139. I put on my best not really interested face and asked "Is that your best price?" He looks at the tag and says "I'll do 100 on it." I answered "I guess I can do $100." I even made it to the car before I jumped up and pumped the air. It might even be in better shape than my 346KA that I thought was dern near perfect.

I can't wait to get her to the range. This is my 3rd Mossie and my bro tells me there's one at another pawn shop in town... Don't know why I'm blabbing about this, I don't need any more competition for Mossberg .22s, I'm just psyched!

Here's a couple pics:


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New member
Wow. That baby looks really good.....

So,,, you'll be selling it to me for ,,,, $120??

You could make a fast $20...............


Congrats; nice find!

O.F. Mossberg & Sons made a lot of cool old .22s - does that mechanism work like Browning's new T-bolt, or does it just turn up like a normal turnbolt?


New member
No, it functions just like a normal bolt action. It's just a variation you don't see too often, one I have never seen for sale locally. The prices on these things keep going up so I had to jump on this one while I was still able to find one reasonably. I am afraid you'll have to find your own Bennn.