My move


New member
Moderators, I ask your forgiveness for an off-topic post. Legal and Political did not seem appropriate at all, and General Discussion was the only place that seems to fit. Firearms related stuff in a few paragraphs.

In case you were wondering where I was, I just moved from St. Petersburg, FL to Portland, OR. I'm currently typing from an apartment at friend's house, and I'm looking for an apartment now.

A few people here knew about my move, and I just wanted everyone to know I was okay.

Gun stuff:

First, I'm going to be getting my NRA firearms instructor training as soon as I turn 21, which is in less than 3 months.

Second, I'm hooking up with the Portland Pink Pistols chapter, and plan to become active in that group.

Third, I'm planning to get both my OR and WA CPL's as soon as I turn 21. I checked OR state law, and apparently, the laws of Oregon when it comes to CHL holders are much more lenient than FL or WA is. Very cool stuff.

Anyway, gotta run.

Dave P

New member
Sounds like a good state to move to, but you'll end up spending all your shootin' money on down coats, heavy boots and muk-luks this fall!

PS Send some pictures - I hear you have something besides swamps, palmettos and sand out there!


New member
Lon-The webbing between your toes will start to grow after a few weeks. Lots of stuff to do in the NW, a great training facility just north of you in Chehalis, WA.


New member
Good luck with the move and settling in.

One question - I am curious as to how/why you think OR is better than WA for CHL. I used to live in WA and was *very* annoyed that while ID (and other states) honor my WA CCW, OR does NOT. That meant that each time, on my numerous trips back and forth from Boise to Seattle, I had to unload and lock up at the OR border in order to be legal. Ack.


New member

I read "My Move" and thought someone was playing up a game of chess. :D