My Mom just finished Unintended Consequences


New member
My mother has historically been very anti gun. In fact my family hunting and firearms tradition starts with me. Her attitude has always been: "well its not you that I'm worried about, its all those other people with guns." Over the last few years, and particularly after Columbine, she thought I kind of went off the deep end when it came to the Bill of Rights, media bias, and many other things that "we" regularly discuss here. At Christmas I asked her to read UC, as it would give her a better understanding of my angst for our freedom. She had some issues with parts of the book, but said that overall she enjoyed it, and has a much better understanding for where I am coming from. She also found many of the atrocities perpetrated on citizens in the book hard to believe and questioned their authenticity. I went through a long list of them with her and pointed her to independent forms of corroboration. In short, she has started to think of these issues in a much more critical and logical fashion.

I am very happy that I asked her to read it, and she finished it. Now if I can just get here to pass out Gran'pa Jack literature to her fifth grade students... ;)


Staff Alumnus
She had some issues with parts of the book

Lemme guess... the sex and reloading, right? ;)

Mendo, thanks for getting Mom to read UC. It's tough to do, thanks to the cover art and the size, but once that hurdle is past, it changes a lot of minds.

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


New member

I removed the cover. She was upset at the introduction with Ad Topperwien (sp?) shooting the 100K wood blocks. She thought that that was an incredible waste of wood, and created a helluva lot of noise pollution. I told her that she was right, and that she had made a good argument for the use of silencers. ;) BTW-She's 63 and an SF Bay Area Lib through-and-through. It is truly impressive that she read the whole thing.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Very impressive indeed. You're fortunate to have such a neat mom. She not only took you seriously, but she put in hours to better understand the perspective. That's fantastic.


New member
All this talk about this great book I haven't read. I just ordered myself a copy so I better hurry up and finish re-reading Rainbow Six.

"Ray guns don't vaporize Zorbonians, Zorbonians vaporize Zorbonians" The Far Side

Hard Ball

New member
My mother would never have read such a politically incorrect book. She would have just gone to the range and put in a little practice with her Walther PPK>

Randall Shaw

New member
I graduated from columbine high school in 1983 , no one ever mentions there mascot ,
It is a 8 or 10 foot tall Rebel ( Revolutionary )standing with a flint lock in his hands , Who knows they might have cut it
off by now , But I have year book photos
showing him . I moved away tens years ago but still visit the family often , and let me tell you the anti gun attitude is strong .
My sister and I wont even talk about firearms
any more , She grew up in the same house as I did with a great respect for them .
This goes to show you if you are around these
anti's long enough they will get to you .


New member
Hey Mendocino.

I think it's great that your Mother trusted you, and took your lead on this. You'd mentioned that she was SF Bay area Lib. That's probably when she was open to your suggestions, and coaxing to read UC.
My parents were dyed in the wool Demo's until Uncle Pervy in Washington showed his colors, or maybe something else!!! At that point, they were searching for answers for their judgement error. I was extremely proud of them for that. I know now where I got it from...

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall. Adolf Hitler