My, look at all the new members


New member
Quite an influx of very proliferate posters here in L&P lately. Not really a big surprise, but this is a little earlier in the election cycle than normal.

The Dean contingent was probably the most fun, especially when they were doing the "I really am a gun owner" bit. Usually about as subtle as a box of ducks.

You know, I really admire Ron Paul. I've seen him speak a number of times. I've had dinner with him twice, once at a Second Amendment Foundation Convention. Some of our most respected contributers, members, and mods here are proud libertarians. I think any support Dr. Paul gets before he loses the Primary helps pull the Republican party back in the right direction.


My personal opinion is that some of our most, um, outspoken Paul supporters are DU kiddies trying to pull votes to this generation's Ross Perot. We'll see who continues trying to generate support for Dr. Paul after the primaries.

I believe it'll be telling.


New member
Well I'll be quite open and say that I'm not a republican. Not completely a democrat either. I do enjoy spirited discussions of politics, or most anything. I too like some of the things that Ron Paul has said and done. Much more so than many of the more professional candidates. Certainly don't agree with him on everything. I'd love to see him in a cabinet position. That would be interesting.



New member
I would like a new position opened and Ron Paul as the first executive branch appointee. Like a special prosecutor, but aimed only at federal government. The position: Head of Constitutional Rights Enforcement. Federal officials getting sent to the same prisons as other crimminals for the infringement of liberty and freedom they planned or committed and after taking an oath to uphold.


New member
Thumper........ascribing all the "outspoken" Ron Paul support on this forum to some sort of DU political manipulation strategy may be giving the outspoken ones a tad too much credit........;)

Just my opinion.
