My Little Sister Wants Her CWL

David the Gnome

New member
While house sitting for a friend my sister had two men try to break into the house. She was able to hold them at bay with a shotgun the family kept in the closet and call the police. She has since decided to purchase a handgun and get her concealed carry license. Here is the catch: She is a Kentucky resident but she lives and goes to school in Wyoming. Logistically it will be very difficult to get her CWL here in Kentucky. Is it possible, as a non-resident, for her to get a CWL in Wyoming? If she got her license and place of residence changed to Wyoming would she be able to immediately get a CWL in Wyoming and be legally able to purchase firearms in that state?


New member
She could take a week end trip down to Utah to get her CCW. She better hurry though as Utah's lawmakers are currently all whiny about the situation of giving (essentially subsidizing) nonresidents licenses.. Utah has reciprocity with both Wyoming and Kentucky.



New member
Sometimes the reciprocity is finicky....some states only honor the reciprocity agreement if the license you hold is an in-state license from the state in which they have the agreement (did I word that correctly, lol) but I don't know the specific laws for those states.


New member
i have a Florida non-res, it is reciprocal thru both Ky, and Wyo.

it is fairly easy to get. just need a firearms training course, hunters safety course or dd214.


New member
Guess Wyoming is ok for me, then...

... I have a FL non-res; it's not useful in the states where I would actually like to be able to use it, particularly SC.

(When I obtained it, I was a FL resident, and it was much more multi-state useful at that time.)

It would be nice to get Thune/Vitter revitalized.
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New member
there are only a few states that differentiate between res/non-res for Florida permits. Michigan, Colorado, Kansas.


New member
More complete list and official FL link

Colorado, New Hampshire, Michigan, and South Carolina do not honor non-resident Florida permits. Alabama's status is uncertain.

On the flip-side, Florida does not honor non-resident permits from other states.

Wyoming and Kentucky do accept non-resident Florida permits. However, to get a Florida permit, the applicant must be 21. As a corollary, Florida will not extend reciprocity to permit holders from other states who are under 21.
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New member
The Utah trip may be good for her in that on their info page they specifically state that both Utah and Wyoming honor non-resident permits from states that they honor. And if you ever find your self shooting in west Virginia, a non-resident Utah license is honored there, but not a Wyoming one. Excepting Nevada now, Utah's reciprocity is really pretty good.

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New member
David the Gnome...

... while you're on that line, if she changes her residency to WY, how long before she can get in-state tuition? (Assuming she's in public school...)

Could be a win-win move. Get the permit, pay less tuition.


New member
How long it would take her to wait for residency is a variable issue. I know that I lived for 3 years in Iowa and never gained residency because I moved there for school. After residency we'd have to look up the time frames involve.

Just a question though, what benefit would she derive from waiting to get a Wyoming permit compared to just getting an out of state permit?



New member
My significant other was able to change her residency to GA

after a little over a year up here; she's been in school since two months after moving here.

So, residency changes and tuition may vary by state. Not familiar with WY, just suggesting that it might be looking into.

In our case, it was worth a 2/3 drop in tuition.

