My letter to Wal-mart

Dear Wal-Mart,

I want to thank you for your continued support of the 2nd Amendment by allowing your stores to legally sell firearms to legal buyers. My wife, parents, in-laws, brothers, sisters, and friends all truly enjoy a life made easier because of Wal-Mart. However, I understand that the Obama administration has recently pressured your business to STOP the sales of firearms, in an effort to restrict and diminish the 2nd Amendment found on the Bill of Rights. As an American citizen, it is my responsibility to ask that you do not succumb to these demands from the Obama administration. Regardless of whoever reads this, and regardless of your political views; Please listen to reason and logic, please support the constitution of the United States. Without the 2nd Amendment, there can be no first. Consequently, I must inform you that should you capitulate to these demands from the Obama Administration, my wife, my siblings, my children, my friends (on whose half I write you from) will cease to shop at Wal-Mart.

Sam Walton sought to support the American Lifestyle, which includes access to Firearms, and Ammunition. Please, DO NOT in any way succumb the the pressure from the Obama Administration. Support the constitution, defend liberty. Thank You for your time.


Their Email address is

Feel free to copy my email text and send them a quick email.


New member
I suspect it less is about Walmart valuing American freedoms than it is about increasing their bottom line.


New member
I suspect it less is about Walmart valuing American freedoms than it is about increasing their bottom line.
+1. To paraphrase something a local commentator said about Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones... if you believe that any action Walmart takes is motivated by something other than making more money, you don't know Walmart very well. :rolleyes:


New member
Good thing they make boatloads of money selling ammo. They're also the nation's largest employer. In the relationship between Walmart and the government, Walmart wears the pants.
I suspect it less is about Walmart valuing American freedoms than it is about increasing their bottom line.

Exactly why I told them they can no longer expect dollars from me and mine if they give in to pressure from the Obama Administration.
Interesting. So why companies don't sell, stop selling, or don't allow guns, they are anti-gun. When they sell guns, they aren't so much pro gun as much as pro bottom line. They just can't win regardless. :rolleyes:


New member
Thanks for posting the link. I'm assuming they are getting lots of mail and kept mine short. No politics, no discussion of layered motives...


As long as you continue to sell firearms and ammunition I will keep coming back. I need a car battery and will be dropping by the North Fort Myers Walmart Saturday morning. Thanks for being there.
Interesting. So why companies don't sell, stop selling, or don't allow guns, they are anti-gun. When they sell guns, they aren't so much pro gun as much as pro bottom line. They just can't win regardless.

Of course they can win. They make a lot of money selling guns/ammo. They can keep making money if they keep selling guns/ammo, and not just off of the guns/ammo.

Just wanted to give them a chance to keep making money off of me.