My letter to the Editor of the Tennessean

John Forsyth

New member
The more I thought about it, the more I had to do something about it. After reading Rep. Henri Brooks, Memphis, comments about pending legislation. TFL thread here:

Just had to write the letter.

Brooks is all wrong on Second Amendment

To the Editor:

I would like to know where all the bodies are.

State Rep. Henri Brooks, D-Memphis, has stated that she is against any relaxation of current state guns laws with respect to handgun permit holders. She says, ''If you are going to have a bunch of boys riding around in these trucks with loaded guns and factor into this phenomena called road rage, you are going to have a bunch of bodies splattered on the highway like fried eggs.'' Tennessee has been a shall-issue state for handgun carry permits since 1994, and this has not happened.

What boys is she referring to? You must be 21 to obtain a permit. You must pass a TBI and a FBI background check before one will be issued. We are talking about adult, squeaky-clean, law-abiding citizens, not gang-bangers riding around the hood.

Rep. Brooks has a unique perspective of the Constitution as well. While she feels it is within her First Amendment rights to not pledge allegiance to the flag because she feels the flag is a flag of slaveholders, she would deny me my Second Amendment rights. She says we do not understand it correctly. She said the purpose of the amendment was to allow the militia in Revolutionary War times to keep guns in their homes. It was not about ''everybody protecting themselves in their house.'' The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals says it is an individual right and so does the attorney general of the United States.

The Second Amendment is what protects her First Amendment right of self expression in showing disrespect to our flag. It is obvious that Rep. Brooks is out of touch with reality.

John Forsyth

I have recieved several emails from others who have read the letter in the paper. All but one positive.


New member
Read it in the paper this morning. Good job! :)

Can't the same for the other two anti letters - the "guns help people kill with unnatural ease" guy and the "Tennessee is ranked first nationally in roads and last in schools. Add this new bill, and we'll become the quickest, least educated gunfighters in the continental U.S.." :rolleyes: