My Letter to the Ed. Re: Ballistic Fingerprinting


New member
Hi. My local paper ran a front-page story today about ballistic fingerprinting. Neither good nor bad, just a story.

Here's my letter to the editor:

This is regarding your front-page story on Ballistic Fingerprinting that ran today, Tuesday November 19, 2002.

Yes, firearms do leave certain marks on bullets and spent casings that could possibly be used to identify the gun that fired the bullets. However, implementing ballistic fingerprinting on a large scale and expecting any level of accuracy from it is impossible and foolish.

First, the parts that create the marks, such as the barrel and extractor, are just that; parts. They wear out, break, and can be very easily and quickly replaced. This has several ramifications: The fingerprint that is recorded when a gun is new will be vastly different from the fingerprint left by a gun over time as more rounds are shot through the gun. Also, the recorded fingerprint can be rendered void at any moment by either altering the parts that create the marks, or replacing them entirely. Alteration can be done with a simple file, and replacement parts for guns are quite inexpensive.

If fingerprinting were to be implemented, then what about the nearly 300 MILLION guns that law-abiding Americans already own? If it isn't a logistical impossibility to get 300 million guns fingerprinted, then nothing is. And that rests on the huge assumption that everyone will comply expediently. Ever been to the DMV? We all know how expedient the government can be...

Ballistic fingerprinting is a joke, a scam, a boondogle, that will do nothing but give people a false sense of security while wasting their hard-earned tax dollars.



New member
I compare "fingerprinting" a gun to "fingerprinting" the tires on a car... People see that VERY easily...


New member
It also helps to explain that the typically anti-gun Fraternal Order of Police doesn't like the idea for just the reasons you give and the fact that it will divert money from crime solving projects that work. Explaining that takes away the contention that only "gun nuts" say balistic snapshots are a bad idea.

Lord Grey Boots

New member
Does everyone understand why real fingerprints are used to identify people, and not just pictures of their face?

We should photograph all 1 week old babies, that way we can identify them if they commit a crime 20 years later....


New member
Good job drjones. Lord Grey Boots - GREAT analogy, I'll use that next time.

I wrote the reporter ( ), his editor and the guy that did the neat graphics a note of thanks for his even-handed (i.e.professional) report on this subject.

In case he did a follow-up, for his FYI, I enclosed a list of comments against BF (such as the tire prints analogy) for him to consider. I also enclosed the NSSF web address of the staff report and commented that it was pulled from the Calif. DOJ website.

I also gave the web address of a TFL thread on BF which covered all our arguments.

I got a note of appreciation as well as a comment that they will probably do another article on this later on. Hopefully, with all the feedback they get outlining the flaws in this procedure, his next article will contain some of them.

When these journalists do their job, give 'em a note of thanks and when they don't, scald them. If you cc the editor, you may also plant a seed higher up. It's worth a shot.


New member
You guys: I GOT PUBLISHED!!!!

Thanksgiving day, I was in the bay area, and my mom had brought the sac bee with us. I thought "Hey, I'll look through the opinion section" and sure enough, there was my letter!!! :D :D


New member
one more thing I forgot to add:

There were three other letters on that same topic that day, for a total of four including mine.

Funny how ALL FOUR letters had the same position I did!!!

YAY!!! There's hope yet for CA!!! :D