My Letter to the Brady Network


New member
Hey all, been awhile eh? Well. Boredom prompted me to look through the Brady bunch's site. Boredom, and trying to find the state with the lowest grade they can give. Vermont is very impressive. It appears to be one of the last states to still have true 100 Proof Patriot blood flowing through its official's veins. At least, its laws seem to reflect it. At any rate, I was browsing their "state victories" and found something that made me spit out my beverage in both shock and amusement. This is one of literally hundreds of glaring errors and untruths on their site and in their information, but this one is just down right funny. Following is an exact copy of the email I've sent. Enjoy:


On your website within the portion listing state by state victories achieved by your group, I noticed one glaring error. Well, it was either an error or purposeful miscommunication in an effort to inspire either fear or an inaccuracy of the facts for the people that choose to get their data from your site's records.

"SB 2104 would have prohibited local officials from deciding what is best for their community with respect to gun transportation and trafficking laws by issuing a state-wide mandate that would have allowed anyone with an assault rifle, in a fanny pack with the clip removed, to walk into any city, town, or places where our children play unrestricted"
Please excuse me for accusing this site of fear mongering, but the last line about "where our children play" is more than slightly out of line, isn't it? For one, not all of us have children. In today's world, there are much more realistic dangers for our children. How many children, afterall, have been killed in their play areas by assault rifles in Illinois?

Which brings me to the major error in your information. "Assault rifles", as you put it, would simply never fit in any "fanny pack". Fanny packs rarely contain more than a single six square inches of space, and most, if not all, assault rifles are well over a foot long. You see, there is simply no possible way one could carry an assault rifle in a fanny pack, I assure you. This is either an honest mistake, or a deliberate misleading the likes of which this site accuses any number of pro-gun organizations or individuals.

The next glaring error is in the use of the term "clips". No assault rifle in existence uses clips. Clips is a term for the M-1A Garand rifle, which ways nearly a dozen pounds, and would certainly not fit inside one of these proported "Fanny packs". The correct term is magazine, but this is a non point as the bottom line remains there is not an assault rifle on the planet that could be concealed by a citizen in his or her fanny pack.

Also, why is Mayor Daly of Chicago spoken of so highly? As a former resident of the state, everyone here knows of the rampant corruption in Chicago politics that maintains him at its center.

At any rate, I wanted to point out these errors so that you can be sure to present factual information to your viewers.



New member
Actually, there are quite a few assault rifles that will fit in a fanny pack. Some even with the magazine inserted... Even better, they were in my play area all the time as a kid, and I loved it. :D

Wolfe... (By the way, that was a good letter... Just goes to show, the Bradys will say anything as long as it creates the fear neccessary to continue their cause...)


New member
That's why I live in Indiana, because I can carry a loaded assault rifle with the "clip" inserted around where children play.:)

I am the epitome of political incorrectness. (After I carry my rifle about the city, I'm going to eat red meat and then have sex with women).:D