My letter to Logan's Roadhouse management


New member
I had a bad experience last week at a Logan's Roadhouse. Because of Virginia's silly Restaurant Ban, I was carrying openly, not concealed. I was (in my opinion) treated poorly by the management. I'm sending their corporate headquarters a letter.

It's too long to post here, but some of you might find it iteresting, so I've put it up on my server
here .

I'd love to hear people's thoughts on this one.



New member
In my opinion that is a very excellenly written letter.

Bravo and let us hear any replies.


New member
Good letter, if perhaps a tad long. Please let us know if Logans responds, or if the Manassas restaurant puts up a sign. Or if Wolfgang gets terminated;)


New member
Good letter, if perhaps a tad long.
Thanks, Leatherneck.

Yeah, I tend to get long-winded when someone's gotten me all bunched up about something. I keep thinking of "just one more thing" that I absolutely must put in...



New member

I agree it's a bit long, but it's a fantastic progression of ruthless logic without any shrill emotions or name calling being used to try and make the point.

I can't wait to see what the result are.


New member
Very good points and well written, but too long. I would definitely leave out the section where you list all of the other items you could have used to kill people.


New member
Nice letter, but I doubt you'll get jack**** in return for your trouble... All we really need is for something to happen in an establishment like this that barred legal firearms and then have one of the patrons wronged in whatever event happens to sue the **** out of the stuck up bastards. That might get the ball rolling a bit more than formal letters. If they don't allow you to protect yourself, they are taking responsibility, and if and when something then happens they should be made an example of... That's the only way we'll make headway on this issue IMO, sadly...


New member
After looking back at the letter I wrote, I agree with tag's suggestion. I've edited the letter to remove the inventory of potential weapons I had available to me. This both shortens the letter and makes me seem less like a bloodthirsty psychopath.

Thanks for your input, all!



New member
Good letter. I too hope you get some results.

Knowing the "pass the buck" and "appease the masses" mentality of corporate America though, I predict they'll send you a non-committal letter along with a gift certificate to (what else?) eat at Logan's. However, maybe someone with a modicum of common sense will read the letter and respond intelligently. Good luck. Let us know what happens.

I also predict that, because of your letter, all patrons of Logan's will soon be cutting their steaks with a plastic spork.


New member
Glad I could help. Please keep us informed on any responses from Logan's. If they truly have a "no firearms" corporate policy, then we need to get the word out to other gun owners


New member
I just wrote the shmoes to tell 'em that my wife, my friends, and I shall not go back to Logan's until this policy is rescinded.

A ban on Logans.


New member

Why not find out WHO is the top dog at Logan's and address the letter accordingly?

Uspecified addressee letters often get ignored, but if the MFWIC's name is on it, that's unlikely.

Too long, and if you're not a lawyer, citing cases is a mistake!

Well written, though.


New member

That was great! Can you leave that site up so I can bookmark it? I guess I'm not going to logans anymore.


New member
I can't get the link to work...

Can the rest of you guys still read the letter? I get a website not found error.


New member
Sorry for the website downtime. There was a power outage at my house that was long enough to bleed all of the server UPSes dry, and I didn't even hear the alarms because I was in a NyQuil-induced coma. (Fighting the flu or something...ick)

Anyway, the site should be back up.

Blackhawk, why is it bad for a non-lawyer to cite cases? (Just curious -- I are an enjuneer, so legal stuff is mostly baffling to me).

I was planning on trying to find out the actual name of the person at Logan's who is in charge of this sort of thing, and addressing the letter accordingly. Their website is obstinately unhelpful, though, and I'm trying to figure out of there's a less-obvious solution than calling their corporate headwuarters and asking...



New member
A little research for ya:

Logan's Roadhouse is part of the CBRL Group that also owns the Cracker Barrel Country Stores restaurants. Headquarters are in Nashville, TN. NASDAQ symbol CBRL.

A little EDGAR search for their annual report shows the officers. Here are a few you might want to consider sending to, although these are not all of them (obviously):

Dan W. Evins - Chairman, CBRL
Michael A. Woodhouse - President & CEO, CBRL; and CEO of Cracker Barrel Country Stores
Peter W. Kehayes - President & COO, Logan's Roadhouse

Good luck. I'm joining the temporary boycott pending a response.



p.s. In case anyone cares to take a peek themselves, here's a direct link to the annual report on EDGAR - CBRL ANNUAL REPORT