My kingdom for a lower receiver!!


New member
I ordered a Model 1 Sales kit back in mid-December, and an Rguns lower receiver the day after; I've received the kit already, but Rguns has zero progress as far as I can tell...

I thought I got my orders in before the real rush began, but I guess not. Is anyone else facing such delays on getting their lowers?

Good day to you all!


New member
I've been waiting for a BCG from RGuns for several months. Can't even get them to answer the phone or respond to an email so I can cancel the order.
If you check every day at Palmetto State Armory they get lowers in from time to time but they sell out quickly. If you end up with an extra you can always sell it.

Uncle Malice

New member
I've had no problems finding lowers. In the past month I've picked up lowers from both Palmetto State and Mega Arms.

BCGs are another story. I've got one rifle completely built and ready to go except for the BCG....

Just keep an eye on - you'll be able to get the stuff you need eventually.


New member
Lower receivers were available at Brownells and Rainier Arms. A little over $200 each. They are not your regular forged lower receiver though.


New member
My LGS has a lower in stock for $110, I didn't buy it because I already have too many AR's than I know what to do with, and bought two lowers from him when this all started for $80.

I keep seeing uppers and what not available online but not much in the way of lowers online, however local shops and gun shows I have been to there have been a decent selection. AR's are abundant but its resellers try to price gouge generally, the rifles parts and mags have seem to come back down to reasonable prices, however ammo, people are still stock piling and causing a shortage.

Please buy ammo you NEED, not massive amounts because its those people who are the cause of the shortage. We see the same group of hoarders every week at the store I work in waiting to buy a few thousand rounds, so we started rationing it to other customers.
Please buy ammo you NEED, not massive amounts because its those people who are the cause of the shortage.

How much does any particular person "NEED"?
Well, unless that person is employed as police or military, they don't "need" any ammo at all. It is not like you eat it or run your home heating furnace on it. So, you do not really "need" it at all.

That just leaves us with "wanting" ammo. And how much should one buy when one is only buying the ammo that one wants? Well, I suggest that one should buy as much as one wants to buy when one is buying what one wants.

And I will say this: This is a free country and it is not up to you to determine how much ammo I "want" or "need". You can keep your opinions and your nose in your own business and stay out of mine, please. If you are a store owner or employee, you can decide how much ammo you want to sell to me, but you just plain do not get to vote on how much ammo I "want" or "need".


New member
The fact of the matter is.... the people buying 1000's and 1000's of rounds to store in their basement are generally the same people also posting stupid conspiracy photo's on facebook and everywhere else I turn saying the government is buying all the ammo because of a purchase order that was made public to keep getting their ammo at the same price for the next X amount of years, when in reality they haven't even taken delivery on it yet. Then they come on here to cry about the ammo shelves at Walmart being empty yet again.

Where I work we still see our normal shipments of ammo in, however it doesn't last on the shelves because every week its same thing. People in a panic still hoarding it away then complain their next pay day why the shelves are empty.

You can step down from your soap box now, I wasn't saying anyone should limit you on the number of rounds you buy, however you SHOULD be mindful if you are being a contributor to the issue at hand.

I keep a few thousand rounds on hand sure... half new half reloaded.. and I work in the industry and shoot A LOT. I didn't run out and buy 10,000 rounds of .223. I could have I get first dibs on it, but I can't carry it all with me even if something crazy did happen.;)


New member
Exactly. I'm not one to say how much ammo (or lowers) someone should or shouldn't buy, but I will point out that unless you think the shortage is never going to end, buying several years' worth of ammo at the height of the shortage, and paying "panic prices" for it, is pretty short-sighted.

I wonder how people will feel in a year when they're still sitting on ammo they bought for $1/round, and the store shelves are stocked with ammo for half that price (or less).
I keep a few thousand rounds on hand sure... half new half reloaded.. and I work in the industry and shoot A LOT. I didn't run out and buy 10,000 rounds of .223. I could have I get first dibs on it, but I can't carry it all with me even if something crazy did happen.

With the ammo shortage, you are not going to be shooting a "LOT" for very long if you only have a few thousand rounds. You are either going to pay very high prices, or you will be using your position in the industry to jump the line to get ammo, but one way or another you are not going to shoot a lot without a lot of ammo.

The fact of the matter is.... the people buying 1000's and 1000's of rounds to store in their basement are generally the same people also posting stupid conspiracy photo's on facebook and everywhere else I turn saying the government is buying all the ammo because of a purchase order that was made public to keep getting their ammo at the same price for the next X amount of years, when in reality they haven't even taken delivery on it yet. Then they come on here to cry about the ammo shelves at Walmart being empty yet again.

That statement is what we call "not even wrong". That means it is so ridiculous that it is not right, it is not wrong, it is not even wrong. It is not worth anyone taking the time to point out why and how it is wrong.

but I can't carry it all with me even if something crazy did happen.

Well, who says you are going to have to carry it anywhere if "something crazy did happen"? If you talk to people who have lived through real life SHTF situations, you will find out that often there is no safe place to bug out to, so you have to bug in and stay put. And, those same people will tell you that you will wind up needing a lot more ammo than you think you will need. A whole lot more. For example,


New member
You missed the statement where I said I work for a gun shop and we still get our normal shipments. Also with range time my job partially is shooting either handgun, AR or .22s. I get a discount on ammo,we never raised our prices on it and we take delivery of ammo and firearms every week. I also get a first hand seat to the panic buyers.

There is no shortage, you can confirm that by going on Gun Broker or Armslist, it's people panic buying or buying and selling for twice what they paid. The local gun show last week had tons of ARs and ammo an no one was buying it because the resellers are charging .80 cents a round.

Even BCM sent me my HSP Jack Carbine within 2 months and they got my order form a week after Connecticut happened.

People did the same thing for when Obama was first elected and than we saw a surge of people trying to trade in ARs and would get upset when we would offer to buy them back for about $500 since there was so many of them.

I am honestly looking forward in a year from now to have chances at purchasing NIB guns for half the retail value again.
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New member
Can you describe your kingdom? I have a lower I might be willing to trade for the right plot of land with the right kind of subjects. Preferably female and mostly members of the Swedish womens volleyball team, or something equivalent.....:D