My Kahr P380 has failed


New member
The striker is stuck and won't move past the half cocked position. While fiddling with it I can get it to work occasionally.
Back to Kahr with only about 200 rounds through it.


New member
Try some break cleaner from walmart remove the slide you will see a small hole in the slide take that red tube that comes with the break cleaner and spray out that channel don't put oil in that striker channel it will gum up


New member
Hairbag said:
Try some break cleaner from walmart remove the slide you will see a small hole in the slide take that red tube that comes with the break cleaner and spray out that channel don't put oil in that striker channel it will gum up

The P380 lacks this clean out hole but I did use BC Gun Scrubber to no avail. I think there may be something wrong with the striker block.


New member
I called Kahr. FedEx is picking up my pistol tomorrow on Kahr's tab.

Did they offer this to you or did you have to ask for it? I had to send my PM9 back for reliability issues and the CS rep told me to send it to them overnight. When I told him the gun was 3 months old and only had a few hundred rounds through it and asked for Kahr to pay for shipping he said he would "have to check on it." He put me on hold for a while and acted very put out when he came back and said Kahr doesn't usually do this but they would make an exception.

They did take care of everything but the CS rep was pretty rude from start to finish and I had to ask for them to pick up the tab. Totally different from my S&W experience.


New member
The CS rep I spoke with had an English accent and was reasonably polite but did not offer to pay shipping. I had to ask, but he didn't give me a hard time about it.
I thought I would have to pay for shipping as the warranty says, so I was pleasently surprised when Kahr agreed to pay.
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New member
Had to send my young P380 back recently as well for a couple of issues, which marks the first time I've ever had to send one of my guns back to the factory for anything (knocking on wood). Kahr picked up the tab. Hopefully they can fully address the issues. If it's working properly, it's easily the best option in a .380 pocket pistol, in my opinion.


New member
Received my P380 back from Kahr Monday.
Note said "replaced striker, polished feed ramp, lubed, test fired, good".
I tried it out. Ran slicker than owl poop.


New member
Got my P380 back last Wednesday (eight-day turnaround :eek:). New slide stop, slide-stop spring, and extractor, plus extra polishing of the feed ramp and chamber.

Ran slicker than owl poop for the first box. Then the old problems resurfaced, and a new one joined them. Gun is back at Kahr for a second time.

Will Beararms

New member
Look, I don't want to hammer on Kahr and I said I would no longer participate in any Kahr threads but this needs to be said: Kahr needs to tighten up on their QC. Do a search on Kahr issues on this forum alone before you chastise me.

Granted: ALL pistols or firearms will probably fail sooner or later.

Agreed: Kahr's feel great and carry very well

IMHO: The premium Kahr line----the only versions I have experience with----have imho wonderful DA triggers.

I want to like Kahrs but I continue to read about issues here and on other venues. We are quick to hammer on Remington or Ruger, we need to be unbiased about this. FWIW, I have had an NIB Sig fail on me.


New member
Look, I don't want to hammer on Kahr and I said I would no longer participate in any Kahr threads but this needs to be said: Kahr needs to tighten up on their QC. Do a search on Kahr issues on this forum alone before you chastise me.

I won't chastise you. I wholeheartedly agree, and I thought exactly the same before I ever took the known risk of buying my P380. Kahr pistols have a number of very appealing characteristics, but the company's QC is laughably poor for the prices they're asking.
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New member
I read all the poo on "break in" period but still bought the PM9. I have since ran about 700 rounds though it - about 95% of junk ammo [tula, wwb and Federal]. Not ONE single to me - the "break in" period was a non issue and not needed. It worked out of the box which is what I EXPECT from a pistol.

But to each his own on the issues....


New member
Any semi, including striker fired examples, need to be carefully cleaned. I have witnessed countless folks clean the internals of their slides using brushes and whatnot with the firing pin hole side of the slide facing upward... allowing all the gunk and junk just cleaned to drain into the hole...:eek:. When that cavity fills up, you can rest assured that the gun will eventually fail.

I have no idea why the striker got stuck, but one way to keep that from happening is to clean the slide internals properly. I wouldn't be so quick to call out the manufacturer in situations like this... IMHO.


New member
Remllez said:
Kahr Firearms require a "break in period." All high quality expensive semi automatic handguns need to be broken in by the consumer.This very issue has been discussed ad nauseum in the post titled "pistol break in period." I'd suggest buying a Ruger or Kel-Tec next time I'm pretty sure they don't require a break in.
Hope this helps.

Mine didn't need additional break in, it was broken, wouldn't fire, and in need of repair. Thankfully Kahr took care of the problem promptly and politely.
It may be a few hundred more rounds though before I'll feel safe trusting it.

Will Beararms

New member
With the utmost in all due respect: The world has changed. All modern high quality firearms do not require a break-in. The advent of more precise methods and materials----- ergo the CNC and better metal, have had a hand in this convenience we enjoy. The only exception might be the 1911 design which is still fitting-intensive. The manufacturer may suggest it as a cover their tail measure and it is probably a good idea to watch a given NIB firearm for 500 rounds. Many firearms have I owned that needed no break-in---Sig Handguns, Glock Handguns, Ruger Handguns, Kel Tec Handguns, Beretta Handguns, Springfield Armory Handguns, Ruger Rifles, Beretta Shotguns, Romanian AK's, Benelli Shotguns, Remington Shotguns, etc.
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New member
Yeah, me too. It's just that this Kahr broke so prematurely that it gives me doubt about trusting my life to it. Only time and ammo will aleviate this.

Will Beararms

New member
Yeah, me too. It's just that this Kahr broke so prematurely that it gives me doubt about trusting my life to it. Only time and ammo will aleviate this.

Sorry Honey, I have to buy more ammo and go to the range, it's a matter of trust Sweetie.......:D